(LJ/gf/n)— Laughing Jack girlfriend name
(JTK/gf/n)—Jeff the killer Girlfriend name
(T/GF/n)—Toby girlfriend name
(H/gf/n)—Hoodies girlfriend name-Jeff The Killer~
Jeff for whatever reason decided to drag you down to his home to meet his 'family'. When you got there you were surprised to see it was a mansion. When you walked in you spotted a couple familiar face like Ben Drowned, Jason the toymaker, and his girlfriend. As soon as Ben spotted Jeff he walked over seeming angry. "Jeff why did you put my games in the pool! I mean they were in a water protected bag but still! You know how I feel about water!" Jeff looked extremely confused "Ben what the hell are you talking about?" Ben glared at Jeff "you know exactly what I'm talking about Joker reject." In a split second Jeff had his knife out "you wanna go elf?" That's when Ben tackled Jeff and they began to fight. Jason and his girlfriend walked up to you "this happens a lot.." Jason said while sighing.
No one was aware of the monochrome clown and his girlfriend laughing at the sight.~Ben Drowned~
Ben had given you directions to his house that was strangely in the middle of the woods. When you finally arrived at where the directions lead you, you were in front of a huge mansion. When you entered you saw Ben fighting Jeff the killer while LJ was laughing with (LJ/gf/n) away from everyone else. You then noticed Jason with a person you didn't know and his girlfriend. deciding you wanted to know what was going on with Ben and the smiling killer you walked up to them. "What's going on here?" You questioned "it seems Ben thinks Jeff had put his games in the pool, but Jeff had no idea what he was talking about...one thing lead to another and now there fighting." Jason said "yeah me and Jeff had just got here when Ben came up to him I'm (JTK/GF/n) by the way" you smiled at her "I'm (Y/n)"Ben finally noticed you were there and smiled disappearing from Jeff's rage. He reappeared next to you hugging you. "Come on let's go" Ben says before grabbing my hand and going through the tv. We ended up in a green bed room with posters of various games on the wall. Ben grabs two Xbox controllers "now what should we play..."
~Eyeless Jack~
You and Jack had just arrived at the mansion when a knife came flying towards you. Lucky Jack caught it. "Jeff!" EJ growled. Jeff for some reason looked pissed off but that soon vanished when he noticed EJ "I meant to hit Ben, come on (JTK/GF/n) let's go" with that he bolted up the stairs with his girlfriend following behind. EJ sighed heading to the kitchen following behind him you saw a huge mess of waffle batter all around and two people sitting in the middle covered in batter. "Toby.....I'm not even going to ask what happened but you better clean this up before Slender gets back." In a instant Toby started cleaning. "Come on (T/GF/n) we better hurry!" She started to clean too not wanting to anger Slender. "Come on (Y/n) let's go to my room" you followed Jack into his room and noticed LJ and his girlfriend talking about how they got away with something.When you got to EJs room he pined you to the wall kissing you. He pulled away "let's have some fun shall we" you blushed at his words but, before anything happened Hoodie barged in the room. "What do you need Hoodie" Jack growled. "Masky and Toby were fighting again and Toby got knocked out." EJ sighed before walking out with Hoodie.
~Laughing Jack~
After Ben had left with his girlfriend Jeff had thrown his knife where Ben was at but EJ ended up catching it. That only made you and LJ laugh harder. "I'm surprised that they didn't realize us standing here." You said. "Yeah but I'm more surprised that we got away with hiding Bens games in the pool." LJ said unaware of the windup mouse watching them. "Come on let's go before we're spotted and there able to finger out that we did it." You said LJ nodded following you to the living room where you noticed Hoodie rushing up the stairs and what sounded like Jason shouting. "I wonder what he's doing..." you mumbled LJ shrugged as you cuddled up to him.~Jason The Toy Maker~
After EJ left with his girlfriend it was just you and Jason in the hall. "Well that was an eventful couple of minutes." You said and Jason chuckled "is it always like this" you ask. Jason sighs "sadly yes Ben and Jeff end up fighting about every day and LJs pranks don't help at all." Suddenly Jason's wind up mouse Licorice came up to him and started squeaking. Jason's eyes widened then he sighed. "Of course it was LJ...." you were about to question him when hoodie ran past you nearly knocking you over. "Hey!" Jason called out. "I'm fine but what do you mean it was LJ?" You questioned. "LJ was the one that pranked Ben and not Jeff." You nodded "should we do something about it?" Jason smirked "he hides Bens favorite thing so lets hid his favorite thing...his candy" so that's what you and Jason did you hid all of LJs candy in Jason's toy shop.~Toby~
You and Toby both were covered in waffle mix. How you might ask? Well, simple really Toby had thought it would be funny to flick some batter on you, you on the other hand didn't think it was that funny so you throw some batter back at Toby. Fast forward 20 minutes and you're both covered in batter and trying to clean the kitchen before Slender gets back. "Toby!" A seething voice yelled. You turned seeing Masky, Hoodie and there girlfriends. "Y-Yes?" Toby asked. "This mess is insane!" Toby didn't seem fazed by his yelling "how about you *tic* help me" that caused Masky to attack Toby with knocked him out. "Not again...I'll go get EJ" hoodie mutters before dashing out the kitchen, soon followed by a shout from Jason the toy maker. Soon he came back with an angry looking EJ and a flustered (EJ/gf/name). "Lets get Toby to his room" EJ mutters to hoodie.~Masky~
You and Masky where spending the day playing bored games. And you being competitive lead you to start a bet. If Masky won you would do what ever he wanted, but if you won, you would go make cheesecake. And it just so happened that you won. "Yes! Cheesecake here I come" Masky sighed defeated but chuckled at your enthusiasm for cheesecake. On your way to the kitchen you saw Hoodie and his girlfriend "cheesecake?" Hoodie said. "Cheesecake" Masky repeated causing you to giggle. Once you arrived at the kitchen, like the scenarios above it was a mess! Masky looked like he was going to kill Toby, but he ended up knocking him out instead. After EJ, and Hoodie left with Toby the two of you made cheesecake with the help of (H/gf/n).~Hoodie~
You came over to the mansion to have a horror movie marathon with Hoodie. The two of you were currently watching Insidious though you had stopped paying attention because Hoodie started making out with you. But that was interrupted but you stomach growling. Hoodie chuckled. "Cheesecake?" You asked. Hoodie nods "Cheesecake" you smiled. On you way to the kitchen you saw Masky and his Girlfriend "Cheesecake" Hoodie said and Masky repeated it.
-After Toby gets knocked out and Hoodie gets EJ-
Masky, his girlfriend and you had just finished the cheesecake when Hoodie finally came back from helping EJ. Hoodie and you grabbed a piece of cheesecake and head up to his room to finish the horror movie marathon. On the way you saw Jason and his girlfriend sneaking out of LJs room with 2 big bags of candy. You both decided not to question them.
Remember when I said this was going to be out last Saturday? Yeah sorry about that. Anyway, I'm about to start writing an Laughing Jack x reader he's one of my favorite Creepypastas. The prologue should be out in the next day or two then the first chapter should be out Saturday. I also have 2 other books that I'm working on besides this one if you want to you could check them out. It's the Phoenix a Jeff the killer story, and two kingdoms one hope which is not creepypasta related. Im actually rewriting The Jeff the killer story because I didn't think it was that great and the prologue is already out and the next chapter should be out Tuesday. With 2 kingdoms one hope coming out Wednesday. The next Scenario for this book will be out ether tomorrow or Friday depending on if I write it today or not. Sorry for writing such a long authors note I hope you have a wonderful day/night

Creepypasta boyfriend Scenarios (discontinued )
FanfictionThanks for 20k+ reads I've fallen out of the fandom and I've decided to not continue. It is a bit cringey I'll be honest, but I had no clue what I was doing when I stated this over 4 years ago I do have other works but I've not uploaded them an a wh...