This may be a triggering chapter for some readers. (The first two parts are bad day/ or part of a bad while part 3 and 4 are the good next day/ the day gets better) ~Jeff, BEN, LJ, And EJ~
You had no idea what had brought this on. You couldn't breathe, you were absolutely terrified and had no clue why. You tried to calm your breathing but failed. tears were threatening to spill when the door swings open with Jeff holding a stuffed bear. Shocked at the sight of your tearful face and rapid breathing Jeff drops the bear and rushes to you. He scoops you in his arms and begins to rock you both back and forth. He rubs your back and whispers reassuring words, after some time you managed to fall asleep. Jeff puts you in his bed and kisses your forehead. "I promise everything is going to be okay (Y/n)"-BEN-
You were having a bad morning Everything that could go wrong was going wrong. When you had woke up you had stubbed your toe twice trying to get downstairs to the kitchen, then tripped down the last step and fell on your face, after that, you found out that someone had eaten all the cereal, and when you tried to make some toast instead you Burt it. Then when you gave up on breakfast you went to go get some clothes to change into the majority of them were not their original color.Finally, to top the bad morning off you had gone to get a plate to warm up a slice of pizza so you can satisfy your hunger and on the way to the microwave you dropped the plate causing it to shatter and the last slice of pizza to fall on the ground. You couldn't help but start to tear up picking up the glass but what you didn't know was that BEN had just entered the kitchen he was taken aback at your figure "(y/n) are you okay?" Startled by Ben's voice you end up cutting yourself with a piece of the glass plate. That was all it took for you to start sobbing.
Ben picked you up and took you to his room getting a bandaid on the way. Ben sat you on his bed and quickly put the bandage on before cuddling with you until you fell asleep. "I promise You'll have the best night ever (y/n)!" Ben whispered kissing the top of your head and disappearing through the TV.
-Laughing Jack-
"I'll be back soon!" You called out to Jack. You were going to go to the store to grab some groceries but you were in disguise because you didn't want the cops to arrest you since they were still looking for all of you. You were nearly halfway out of the woods when you realized you forgot your wallet. Cursing you walked all the way back to the mansion.Finally, when you got there you headed down to the basement and into a medium-sized closet. Now it might seem wired to any other person that you left your wallet there but that's where you're stash of candy is, the only reason your candy was there was because LJ had eaten all of your candy last week so you had to hide it. Your wallet was there because you had just bought said candy and had to rush out so LJ wouldn't find it.
Once you grabbed your wallet you realized you had absentmindedly closed the door, when you tried to open it you realized it had self-locked from the outside. "Oh no....." you mumbled to yourself before you started to scream. "Hey! LJ! EJ! Slender! Anyone! Help!!" After screaming for 20 minutes you throat began to hurt. "Crap" you mumbled to yourself realizing that the basement walls were soundproof because doctor Smiley treated his 'patients' here for a while. You only hoped someone would notice you were missing soon.
-Eyeless Jack-
You smiled happily watching the newest episodes of your favorite show. It was currently in its (# season/series). As you were watching one of the episodes a message came up from the creator. "I have loved working on this show and all the support from the fans but sadly the studio has decided to shout down production after this season to make room for new shows...." you tuned them out after they said that. "(Favorite show) is ending?" You mumbled in disbelief. How could it end? Why would the studio cancel one of their best shows? You begin to tear up because this show meant so much too you. It helps you out so much the last years of when you were in foster care.EJ had just got home and about to go to the basement to grab an extra kidney when he found you in tears on the couch. "(Y/n)?" You turned to him and explained why you were crying. "I'm sorry (y/n)" EJ knows how much that show meant to you and how it had helped you. "It's was going to end eventually but I wished it had lasted a little longer." After saying that you had walked up to your room. Forgetting about the kidneys for a moment he thought of an idea on how to help you feel better about the show. He smirked evilly when an idea crossed his mind. "Now where is Ben?" He mumbled to himself.
I finally finished! Now to write out the next part...

Creepypasta boyfriend Scenarios (discontinued )
FanficThanks for 20k+ reads I've fallen out of the fandom and I've decided to not continue. It is a bit cringey I'll be honest, but I had no clue what I was doing when I stated this over 4 years ago I do have other works but I've not uploaded them an a wh...