How you meet

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-Jeff the Killer-
(Y/N) pushed her (H/L)(H/C) hair out of her face as she ran from her bully's. "Oh is little (Y/N) scared?" Regina(sorry if that's your name you can change it) yelled. Almost home (Y/N) thought. Just a little closer suddenly you were pushed down. "Haha look at this freak" Regina pulled down you're hoodie sleeves and showed her friends the several self-harm scares you have. "you're just a attention seeker freak" she punched you in the face over and over again. You close your eyes waiting for it to be over when Regina was suddenly pulled off of you, you opened your eyes and they widened at the sight of a man, who skin is so pale it's white he had midnight black hair his eyelids seemed to be cut off and he had an ear to ear cut smile. He was wearing Black pants with a blood-stained white hoodie. "You know it's not nice to fight someone how can't defend themselves so why don't you go to sleep?" He then killed Regina and her friends. You started to shake as he came up to me "what's your name?" he's raspy voice asked. You look up at him baffled he wanted to know your name? Why?  "(Y/N)" you said shyly. He smirked "I'm Jeff and we will meet again (Y/N)" Jeff then disappeared as you slowly got up and made your way home.

-BEN Drowned-
You were walking home from school when you passed a garage sale, you were going to just ignore it and head on home if it wasn't for a box that had the words 'Video games' on it. Being an avid Gamer you decide to take a look at the games they were a bunch of old Nintendo 64 games that you already had. One game caught your eye legend of Zelda Majora's mask you have been looking for that game for ages and here it was. Knowing that you only had ten dollars you were hoping that it costs that much or that you could talk the old man into giving it to you for some help around his yard. You took the game and went up to the elderly man "excuse me, sir, how much for this game" the old man's eyes widened "that games free of charge" you smiled at the man and thanked him.

  When you arrive home your parents were fighting like always you sighed and walked up the stairs to your room. Once in your room, you pulled out Majora's mask and plopped it into your Nintendo 64. Awhile later the game started to glitch you ignored it and continued to play suddenly the words 'You shouldn't have done that' appeared on the screen. You raised your eyebrows at this "shouldn't have done what?" You mumbled confusedly. Then a hand popped out of the screen followed by an arm and a head you screamed and throw your controller at the person he yelped in pain. "YoU sHoUldN'T HaVe DoEn ThAt" what you assumed was a he said with a static voice. He was now fully out off the Tv you take a closer look at his appearance and noticed he looked almost exactly like Link the only difference was he had red glowing eyes that bled. He noticed you staring at him and smirked "like what you see cutie?" You blushed and grabbed you bat that was next to your bed "who are you? And why are you here?" He chuckled "I'm BEN drowned but you can call me BEN princess. I was going to kill you but I Your interesting I'll see you soon (Y/N)" and like that he was gone. How did he know you're name? You thought.

-Eyeless Jack-
You had just moved into your new home after years of being in foster care. Your parents had died In a car crash when you were ten and you were placed in foster care but you were never adopted. You sighed as you cooked some steak and mashed potatoes. It was starting to get smoky in the kitchen so you opened your window to let the smoke out. Little did you know you caught a kidney eaters attention. After you finished your dinner you head upstairs to bed since you had to get up early in the morning.

A couple of hours later you were awoken by a pain in your stomach reagin you shot up in bed startling the intruder "who the hell are you? And what are you doing here?" The man stayed quiet. You turned on your lamp and took in his appearance he had on a black hoodie (?) and was wearing a blue mask with black goo dripping down it. He started to make his way to you with a scalpel in hand. You slowly reached under your pillow for your car key and pressed the alarm button. The man jumped at the Alarm and raced to the window but before leaving he looked back at you "EJ I'll be back" and with that, he jumped out the window.

-Laughing Jack-
You were looked in your room avoiding your older brother Troy. He had already beaten you this morning and you were not looking for another one you sighed thinking about what life would be like if your parents didn't abandon you. You were brought back into reality when your brother banged on your door. "(Y/N) let's *hic* have some fun" he was clearly drunk and you wanted nothing to do with him so you climbed out your window glad you're room was on the first floor. You ran away from your house and into town

After a while of running, you slowed down in front of an old carnival your curiosity got the better of you so you went in. After walking around a bit you started to hear the song pop goes the weasel. You started to sing along with it "all around the mulberry Bush the monkey chased the weasel the money thought it was all in good fun" another voice finished "POP goes the weasel" you turned around and saw a monochrome clown he looked at you and grins showing sharp teeth who might you be?" He asked with a slight British accent. You looked at the mystery clown "(Y/N) what's your name?" He giggled "Laughing Jack but you can call me LJ I'll see you soon" with that he disappeared in a poof of Black smoke.

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