"This is so stupid" I said looking up to the ceiling of my cell. In under one week, I managed to get in a car accident arrested, go to court, and get thrown in a prison, just because I tried to go shopping! Well technically I did kill a few people and I may be in a relationship with a person who's probably killed around a hundred people or more and he might just possibly live with a group of other killers... but still!This prison was different from any other prisons I've seen, usually, prisons are either male or female. This one on the other hand is coed. Our cells and showers are still separated by gender of course but we share a heavenly secured dining hall and outdoor space.
"Yeah, it is stupid I mean you did have a warrant for your arrest for killing- who was it again? oh right! Your asshole so-called father! Honestly, I don't blame you I would have done the same thing to my auntie if I had the chance, but for you to end up in a cell and become my cellmate? For killing someone? That's completely sane" my Cellmate and new friend sassed
"Shut up Q!" Q laughed in response. I honestly didn't know a lot about her, hell I don't even know her name she just told me to call her Q. She scared the shit out of some security guards for trying to call her by her name on my first day here so I decided it might be best that I'd call her Q.
Q, wasn't the only friend I was able to make though, during lunch my second day here Q dragged over two people and forced them to tell me who they were. They didn't seem to trust me but eventually gave me their names Liu and Helen. They were both interesting, to say the least, Liu has a split personality Sully who he keeps arguing with, Helen on the other hand is quiet and likes to paint. The two of them have seemed to have known each other for a while and I think Q has a crush on Helen.
Later that night while I was thinking over dinner if Tim or any other pasta was close to finding me something that Helen said while fighting with Liu caught my attention. "Shut it, Woods! You don't know anything about my art!"
"Woods...? Now, wait a damn minute you don't mean Liu Woods, do you? I remember Slender naming some of the pastas that don't live in the mansion that visit every now and again. And if your him then you're Helen Otis! What the hell are the two of you doing here?!?"
They looked at me with mouths agape and after a few minutes, Liu finally spoke up "You're a pasta? We've been stuck here for almost six months! And a newbie pasta is the first of the people in the mansion we see! Slender man finally realizes we were missing two months after we were supposed to be at the mansion! But that doesn't make sense- he would have sent more of you for a rescue and you didn't ask around for us on your first day here....what the hell?"
I awkwardly chuckled and explained that Slender has been a bit busy with Zalgo and training me and the seven other girls. I quickly added that there should be a rescue party for all of us soon because Tim has probably gone Mad trying to find me.
"Wait Tim as in Masky? he only gives his name to people he trusts. How did he give you his name so quickly? And why would he be so worried about you?" Helen asked
I smiled happily thinking about him "well I've only been a pasta for about a month but me and him have been dating for close to a year." Liu spits out his water that he just took a sip of.
"I never thought he'd date anyone. Or that Slender would allow that." Liu said after calming down some. I chuckled and decided not to tell him about any other of the pastas girlfriends.

Creepypasta boyfriend Scenarios (discontinued )
FanfictionThanks for 20k+ reads I've fallen out of the fandom and I've decided to not continue. It is a bit cringey I'll be honest, but I had no clue what I was doing when I stated this over 4 years ago I do have other works but I've not uploaded them an a wh...