The Board

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Annabelle disliked the pure fact that her mother owned a coffee shop.

Solely on the idea that she must inhale the smell of coffee every day.

Annabelle hated coffee.

The place was no bigger than a 2 bedroom apartment. She knew this because that was the size of their apartment right above the coffee shop.

But Annabelle enjoyed people watching, especially watching the people who came and went, passing the board.

The Board was originally her idea. The whole point was for someone to leave their phone number under something they could give another person.

Not physical items, like toys or clothes, but things that helped people internally.

i.e. hugs, compassion, someone to talk to, advice. stuff such as that.

After the first month or so, she would have to clear the board every week and a half because so many people were leaving there phone numbers and leaving more tacks with suggestions of things for Annabelle to add, as well as taking the clippings of phone numbers.

Today, Annabelle decided that it was her turn to take something.

As she looked on the board, she realized the one thing she needed right now.

Someone to talk to.

She grabbed the phone number on the board, taking a shaky breath while it rang. She silently hoped that no one picked up. Voicemails were much easier to deal with.

"Hey, you've got Luke..." the voicemail eventually finished, ending with the usual tone that signaled recording.

"Hi. My name is Annabelle. I, uh..." She hadn't thought about what she was going to say before she called, so she wasn't sure about what she could make up on the fly.

"I was just calling because you left your number on the board under 'someone to talk to' and I randomly picked yours because.... well yeah. So uhm... just call back." She paused. She figured that was actually on the ruder side of a message to someone she hadn't even met in person.

"I mean. You don't have to. Sorry. This is a fucking mess. Sorry, again, if you don't swear. Ok. Bye." she ended the phone call and sighed.



This is a new story idea that I came up with today. I'm liking where this can go at the moment, so who knows.

It's going to be a part of my short story series bc those will probably be easier to maintain during the school year. ((which starts in 5 days for me...)

Tell me what you guys think bc that's always great.

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