Chapter 3

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Your POV

You were getting ready to go to the club. You straitened your hair and started to do your makeup. You put on a red jumpsuit with a low back. Haz was yelling your name from down stairs.

Haz- Y/N!! Are you almost ready!
Y/n- I will be down in a minute.

You took one last look in the mirror before you headed out of the bathroom. You look at yourself in disgust. God you hated your body. All you can find is flaws, my stomach isn't flat enough, my thighs are to big, my face is disgusting, why am I so ugly? Why would anybody ever love me? Your eyes started dripping tears down your face. Thank god your mascara is waterproof.

I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Tom- y/n can I come in?
Y/n- yeah sure
Tom enters the room and his jaw drops.
Tom- wow just wow. You look amazing
Y/n- ahh thanks. You don't look so bad yourself Holland

Tom took another look at my face and had an inquisitive look on his. He saw that your eyes were puffy and red.

Tom- have you been crying?
Y/n- what? No. Why would you think that?
Tom- you know I've always know when your lying.
Y/n- ok so maybe I was
Tom- why were you crying?
Y/n- because I looked in the mirror and I saw the ugliest person staring right back at me.
Tom- what are you talking about? You are the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Your eyes sparkle, your smile is absolute gorgeous and could light up a dark room and there is so much more. Don't let anyone tell you different.

Your face blushed slightly, that was so sweet.

Y/n- thank you Tom that boosted my confidence a bit. You are like my best friend.
Argh why did I say that?
Tom- ah yeah. you ready to go? Haz, Harry and Sam are down stairs.
Y/n- yeah let's go

Tom's POV

What is she even talking about? She is the most beautiful girl ever. There was 1 word replaying in my mind friend, friend, friend. Was that all we were, friends? Do I want more? I don't know. Of course I do

Your POV

As you walked down the stairs you noticed a pair of eyes shift towards your direction. Harry's eyes were glued to you. You also noticed Tom death staring harry. You just ignored it and walked to the car. You plugged your phone into the aux and started pumping your favourite songs.

You were all dancing and singing to your favourite songs. Tom looked back at you with a grin on his face.

You finally arrived at the club. You immediately went to the bar with Tom and Harry while Haz was talking with some girl and who knows where Sam went? Haha. After a few drinks you began to get a bit tipsy but you didn't care. You took Tom's hand and dragged him to the dance floor. You and Tom danced for ages until he left to go to the bathroom. You didn't care so you continued to dance by yourself. You danced and all your problems seemed to disappear then you bumped into someone. You turned around to say sorry when your face dropped.

Voice- Y/n???

Who is at the club???????

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