Chapter 35

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Your POV

Haz and Emily were coming to visit and Tom and I were ready to play our little prank on them. It's a little mean but oh well. The next thing I knew Haz was running through the door and hugged me. After the hug he looked at me and noticed something was wrong.

Haz- hey, what's wrong y/n?
Y- umm who are you?
Haz- wait what? You don't know who I am? I'm your brother
T- yeah mate she's lost all her memories
Haz- no she can't have done
Y- nah we were just messing with you. Hey big bro
Haz- omg y/n you fucking scared me. If you weren't hurt and in hospital I would totally punch you.
Y- love you too Haz
Haz- na I love you sis

Haz came and hugged me once again with tears rimming the bottom of his eyelids. He whispered to me.

Haz- I thought I lost you. I'm never letting you go.
Y- I'm ok now Haz

Haz pulled away and went back to Emily who was still a little shocked in the corner of the room. You patted for her to sit on the bed beside you. She came and sat with you and you embraced her in the tightest hug.

Y- I missed you.
E- you have no idea. I almost lost my best friend in the whole entire world. You don't know what that feels like.
Y- I hope I never will but I'm ok now. It was just a car accident. It was an accident and these things happen
E- wait Tom hasn't told you

You looked over at Tom who was gesturing to Emily to keep quiet.

Y- what aren't you telling me?
T- darling. The police have investigated the car crash and they don't think it was an accident.
Y- who would do that though?
Haz- y/n, Henry got released from jail.

Suddenly everything clicked, it was him. As if this man hasn't done enough. You remembered his eyes staring at you right before the crash. You felt the colour drain from your face, you saw Tom walk up to you and try to comfort you. Your breathing became fast and shallow, you were having an anxiety attack. You were looking at Haz and Tom but no sound was escaping their mouths even though they were moving. The next thing you knew everything was black again.

Your eyes fluttered open and saw the bright lights of a hospital room. The constant beep of a machine filled the silent room. Your eyes were now fully opened but no one had noticed yet. Haz was in the corner of the room hugging Emily which was so sweet and Tom was sitting in the chair beside your bed. He had his head in his hands, when he finally looked up and realised you were awake you could see that he had been crying.

T- hey your awake darling
Haz- hey sis
Y- yeah what happened
T- you had an anxiety attack and hyperventilated.
Y- why? I can't remember.
T- we told you about the crash

Realisation hit you again. You had to pay attention to your breathing while you explained though.

Y- I remembered something before the crash happened.
T- what was it love?
Y- it was h-him.
Haz- Henry?

You just nodded your head slightly and started to cry because of the memory replaying in your head. Tom saw this and he laid on the bed with you and you placed your head on his chest. You timed your breathing with his to help calm down.

Haz- that fucking
E- Haz!
H- how the hell did he even get out of jail?
T- I don't know dude. But y/n if you can, can you tell us what happened that night?

You nodded again. Tom was with you and was playing with your hair which calmed you. So you could do it.

Y- so I was driving in the car on my way to get ice cream cause I wanted some. And then there was a red light so I stopped and continued dancing around in the car. Then the light turned green and this car came speeding through the red light. Before he hit me, he looked me right in the eyes and I recognised them. It was Henry he hit me.

You broke down in tears after finishing. You buried your face into the crook of Tom's neck while he kissed you on the forehead and hugged you tightly. Emily and Haz all gave you a hug as well. You wanted to lighten the mood a bit so you asked Emily about the baby.

Y- so how is my little niece or nephew doing?
E- ahah baby is doing just fine but annoying mummy a bit.
Y- ahahah. I swear I better be the freaking god mother?
E- well duh who else would be?
Y- ok so I was thinking after the wedding we should do a gender reveal party.
E- omg yesssss. That would be so fun.
Haz- so I guess I don't have a say in this anyway but sounds good.

You all talked for what seemed like hours it was just like a normal day at home. Eventually Haz and Emily had to go home but of course Tom stayed. He laid next to you on the bed, once again you had your head on his chest while he played with your hair.

T- hey darling?
Y- yes baby
T- are you still wanting to get married next week on the day we planned?
Y- of course I do. Nothing is going to stop me from becoming Mrs y/n Holland.
T- I'm glad. We are going to live a very happy life and we are going to have the best wedding ever.

You both fell asleep in each other's arms like you usually would.

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