Chapter 18

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Tom's POV

After y/n went up to have a shower and get ready to go to my parent's house, the boys and I just sat and chatted but then we heard y/n scream from her bedroom.

T- I should go check on her
H- hey Tom do you mind if I go? She might just want a friend at the moment.
T- uh sure

Harry walked to y/n's bedroom and I sat back down on the couch again trying to figure out what's happened but then I heard Sam.

S- uh Tom?
T- yeah
S- Zendaya kinda posted something on insta
T- what is it?

He showed me her post and I was so pissed. How could she do that? Y/n hasn't done anything wrong to her. My blood started boiling and I got so angry. No one treats my girlfriend that way. I pulled out my phone and called her. Once she picked up I walked to the kitchen so the others couldn't hear me.

Z- hello?
T- what the fuck
Z- hello to you to
T- why the hell did you do?
Z- I told the truth
T- what?! No you didn't
Z- yeah I did
T- y/n hasn't done anything wrong to you and you know the truth so why did you post that?
Z- because it's the truth
T- no it's not!! y/n is my girlfriend I love her with all my heart! You and I are fake dating due to a contract that I didn't even want to sign.
Z- how could you say that?
T- because you fucking pissed me off
Z- we are so much better together. The fans love us together and so do I. Why can you see it?
T- because you are nothing more than a friend to me but I'm not quite sure if I even consider you a friend right now.
Z- crying
T- don't talk to me for a while. The only time I will talk to you is at events and filming. Bye

- call ended -

I walked around the corner to see the guys ears dropping on my conversation. 

Haz- thanks for sticking up my sister man. She is just finding it a bit difficult at the moment
T- no worries dude she is my girlfriend after all. Z shouldn't have done that.
P- what a bitch
S- Harry don't use that word, but so true haha

The next thing I knew y/n was walking down the stairs with Harry following close behind her. Paddy saw that she had been crying so he hugged her and when she walked down to me. My first instinct was to wrap my arms around her and shelter her from all the hate and all the drama. This was all my fault.

After we got to mum and dad's house the boys and I all headed out to the backyard to play a game of rugby while y/n went to help mum in the kitchen. After a while y/n came out to the backyard and was going to sit and watch us all play. But then Paddy asked her if she wanted to play and she didn't really want to, and I obviously wanted her to play so I may have convinced her.
T-Paddy girls don't really like to play rough sports you said with a smirk on your face.
Y- oh don't they just. Well I guess I have to play now don't I. Just to prove you wrong.

I totally knew she would do that she just has to prove people wrong when they make accusations and I love her for that. It turns out she can actually play really well so I got destroyed.

Y/n- I'm sorry girls can't do what? She said in a sassy tone.

You just shook your head and smiled. You couldn't believe that you had the best girl of all. Y/n is the best girl in the whole entire world and she is all mine. Dinner went really well and y/n was smiling and laughing like usual which made me happy. My parents and brothers know about y/n and I do it's the best thing to not have to hide that I love her so much but to be fair I think they knew I loved her before I did.

Your POV
After dinner you all headed back to your place and watched a movie. You and Tom fell asleep on the couch huddled in each others arms and didn't wake until the sunshine peaked through the curtains in the morning. You stared to stir and then Tom woke up. You rolled over so you were both facing each other and Tom still had his arm still wrapped around your waist.

T- hey beautiful he said in a groggy morning voice
Y- hey handsome, have you got anything planned today
T- arrgg I have filming but then we are going to have a special date here at home.
Y- do you have to go to filming today?
T- unfortunately I do but you can come with me if you want to?
Y- do you think that's a good idea?
T- it will be fine you can hang out in my trailer with Jacob if you want?
Y- omg yeah ok

You were feeling kinda excited but nervous if you saw Zendaya but you still got dressed and ready to go to set with Tom. You headed out the door hand in hand and drove to the set still feeling a bit anxious and you think Tom could tell. As you pulled up to set Tom turned and looked you in the eyes while resting his hand on your cheek and giving you a quick peck on the lips.

T- darling it's all going to be fine. Jacob is really excited to hang put with you and then when I'm on my breaks I will come and see you and then after I have a special date planned. Ok?
Y- ok I'm fine. Thank you

With that you walked into set together and Tom showed you to his trailer.

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