Chapter 22

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Your POV

You woke up in the morning to the sight of everyone still sleeping on the couch but two bodies were missing. You heard a clatter and then you saw Tom and Haz, in front of them were suitcases that had fallen over. You shook your head with a little smile on your face while Tom and Haz had shook faces on theirs. With the noise everyone woke up, much to there disgust.

S- what the fuck it's to early in the morning.
T- sorry but we have to leave in an hour.
Y- well I'm going to make some breakfast does anyone want to help?
P- I'll help

Paddy ran towards you and took your hand while dragging you both to the kitchen. Paddy helped chop some of the vegetables and you cooked the ingredients. Emily walked into the kitchen and had some music playing through the speakers. You both danced and then Paddy grabbed your hand and you danced with him.

T- hey! Looks like I've got some competition here. He said with a smirk on his face.
S- better look out Tom
Y- haha

He walked up to you and grabbed you by the waist and you placed your hands behind his neck. Your bodies moved to the rhythm of the song in time. Your eyes stared deeply into one another's. Time stopped and it was if you and Tom were the only ones in the world. You forgot that he was leaving, your forgot that he was going with Zendaya and you forgot all the problems of social media. Your reality was broken when Haz yelled "I'm Hungry what's for breakfast?"

Y- arggg you are literally the worst. Why can't you finish making your own breakfast? But if you must know we are having omelettes.
Haz- Yumm!

All of you sat and ate your breakfast while filling the room with conversations. Your eyes were drawn to the clock through, Tom and Haz would be leaving soon and you are already dreading it. What if he moves on while he's away? What if something bad happens? You shook the bad thoughts out of your head and remembered Haz was going with him, your brother would not let Tom do anything to hurt you. The time came where the boys finally had to leave. They said goodbye to Sam, Harry and Paddy first and then Emily. Haz walked up to you and hugged you tightly not wanting to let you go, he didn't want anything to happen to you while he was away. You finally let go with tears already forming in your eyes, you and Tom looked into each others eyes and then he embraced you in his strong arms. He wanted to take you with him but he knew that couldn't happen. You reluctantly let go of him with tears slowly dripping down your face. The front doo shut and that was it, they wouldn't come home for a couple of weeks. You were going to miss them both so much.

I mean nothing bad is going to happen, right? It's only for a couple of weeks.

Oh how wrong you were....

**Sorry for the short chapter and how long it took me to post but trust me it is going to get better**

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