Chapter 11

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Tom's POV

After we got home from the police station I had to get ready to go meet Z. We had to talk about how we want this "relationship" to work. I walked over to Z's house and picked her up, she was all glammed up.

Z- oh hey Tom
Tom- hi, you ready to go?
Z- yeah I'll just get my bag

In the car we talked about how this thing was going to work. It was kind of awkward if you ask me.

Z- soooo? Where are we going?
Tom- we are going to a sushi restaurant
Z- oh ok cool
Tom- listen Z I know this is going to be a bit awkward but we know that we are only friends we just have to convince everyone else that we aren't.
Z- yeah she said with a forced smile on her face.
Tom- ok so I was thinking when we hang out in public we hold hands and laugh a lot and stuff like that. We let the rumours go on for a bit and then we will both post on our insta accounts confirming it. Sound good?
Z- yeah that sounds fine.
Tom- but I don't think we need to kiss or anything like that. Is that ok?
Z- yeah that's what I was thinking she said again with a forced smile.

We both arrived at the restaurant, I acted like a gentleman as if I was on a normal date whenever I looked over at the person sitting in front of me, I kept wishing it was y/n. It felt a little awkward being on a date with Z but at the same time it just felt like two friends hanging out. Z said she saw some paps so she took my hand and held it, it felt a bit weird. The only person I want to be holding hands with is y/n. Once the dinner was over we walked hand in hand to go get ice-cream of course the paparazzi followed and they took pictures of us holding hands and laughing together. I then dropped Z home and drove back to the apartment, I walked in and saw y/n on the phone. She then hangs up.

Tom- who was that?
Y/n- the police station
Tom- did they find him?
Y/n- yep he is probably going to jail for a year or two most likely.
Tom- oh that's great. Do you feel a bit better knowing he can't hurt you?
Y/n- it feels good knowing that he's off the streets and the same thing can't happen again.

She started to tear up so I wrapped my arms around her and comforted her. It felt so good to hold her in my arms.

Tom- is your brother home?
Y/n- no I don't know where he went
Tom- do you want to watch a movie?
Y/n- yeah sure what movie?
Tom- infinity war???
Y/n- no that movie makes me cry, you know Spider-Man is my favourite character, oh and poor Loki
Tom- yeah but I'll be right there sitting next to you
Y/n- yeah but you know who won't be sitting next to me? Peter Parker. Tom Holland will be but not Peter Parker.
Tom- yeah but I am Spider-Man. Please
Y/n- uh fine

Your POV

You both sat on the couch wrapped up in a blanket. The movie was coming to an end and the part you dread is coming up. Tom started to say the lines along with Spider-Man.

Tom + Spider-Man- Mr Stark I don't feel so good.
You were starting to cry but Tom kept going.
Tom + Spider-Man- I don't wanna go
Y/n- you asshole. Stop. You said in between tears.
Tom- awwww come here

Tom wrapped his arms around you and you nestled your head into his chest. After that movie you put Captain America on and half way through the movie you and Tom fell asleep both in each others arms.

The next morning you woke up with Tom's arms still wrapped around your waist. He was still asleep so you removed his arm while trying not to wake him. You got up and walked to the kitchen trying not to wake him.

Haz- well you looked quite comfortable

You jumped at the sound.

Y/n- Jesus Christ Haz your scared the shit out of me.
Haz- sleep well?
Y/n- Tom and I watched a couple of movies and me must have fallen asleep. Do you have a problem with that?
Haz- what if I did?
Y/n- well it has nothing to do with you anyway.
Haz- y/n he is dating Zendaya, you don't want to get caught up in that mess
Y/n- as I said it has nothing to do with you
Haz- no but when he breaks your heart I will be the shoulder you cry on
Y/n- we are not even a thing
Haz- I know but I'm just trying to look out for you.

Tom walked into the kitchen yawning.

Tom- what's all the yelling about?
Y/n- nothing
Haz- nothing he said while glaring at Tom.
Y/n- anyway so what's everyone up to today?
Haz- nothing really
Tom- same... um y/n can I talk to you?
Y/n- yeah sure

Both you and Tom walked out of the kitchen and went into your room to talk because you knew if you talked in the lounge room you would have another pair of ears listening.

Tom- ok so y/n I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?
Y/n- y...
Tom- it's ok if you don't want to or anything
Y/n- I....
Tom- you probably don't it's ok

You couldn't take it anymore he wouldn't shut up so you grabbed his face and kissed him.

Tom- wow ok
Y/n- can I speak now?
Tom- yeah of course
Y/n- I would love to go out with you
Tom- oh thank god.

You both laughed

Tom- oh so we'll leave at 7. Is that ok?
Y/n- sure oh and Haz can't know
Tom- yeah I kinda figured that, he didn't seem to happy this morning.
Y/n- well I will see you when you pick me up Mr Holland.
Tom- haha ok darling

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