Chapter 39

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A couple months later you were in the same place Emily was, except you didn't have your husband by your side. Haz was right next to you and so was Emily, Tom was running late because he was filming for the next Spider-Man movie.

Tom's POV
I looked down at my phone and saw that I had 30 texts from Haz, 10 texts from Emily and 15 missed calls. I decided to call Haz back because something must be wrong.

T- hey Haz what's wrong
Haz- dude have you read the texts we've been sending you?
T- no not yet. Why? Is something wrong?
Haz- bro y/n is in labour
T- oh shit. Hang on I will be at the hospital in like 5 minutes.
*call ended*

I rushed around to find John the director and told him I had to leave. He had no issue with it at all. It takes way to long to take this suit off so I arrived at the hospital wearing my Spider-Man suit.

I finally got to y/n's hospital room and as soon as I walked through the door Haz started laughing at me. I shifted my gaze and saw my beautiful wife in a lot of pain. I rushed to her side and held her hand and pushed her hair behind her ear.

Haz- dude why didn't you change?
T- I didn't have time
Y- where the fuck were you? You have to learn to check your phone more often.
T- I'm sorry darling I was filming a scene.
Y- it's ok. Least your here now. By the way I absolutely love that my superhero I with me.
T- yes, your superhero is with you darling.

Your POV
Time went by slowly but eventually you held a baby girl and a baby boy in your arms. Yes you had twins. She was a splitting image of what Tom looked like when he was younger and he was just like you. They were so content and adorable. You passed him over to Tom while you held your baby girl, and he had the biggest smile plastered on his face, he was so happy.

Haz- hey sis, can I have a hold? Y- yeah sure

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Haz- hey sis, can I have a hold?
Y- yeah sure

You passed your little baby girl over to her uncle, while her aunty cooed over her.

E- so what are the twins names?
T- well this little man's name is Peter obviously. Cause he is our little spiderling
Y- and that gorgeous girl that you are holding is Anastasia. Or Annie for short.
Haz- it's perfect for them

Haz gave Annie to Tom because she started crying while Emily had a hold of Peter. Once she was handed to Tom, she stopped crying. The way Tom looked at her made your heart melt, it was beautiful. He was so gentle and caring, it came naturally to him.

E- I can already tell that Annie is going to be a daddy's girl.
Y- I agree.

This day was everything and more.

It's hard to believe that, that day was 6 years ago. Peter and Anastasia are now celebrating there 6th birthday with there family. They each had seperate cakes and blew out their candles together. You looked across the room and saw Tom holding your other baby girl that is now 4 moths old. Haz and Emily finally got married 3 years ago and they had another little boy who is now 2 years old.
Tom walked over to you and gave you your baby girl, Scarlet. You placed her on your hip while you watched your brother and husband chase the kids around the backyard of yours and Tom's house. Yes, Emily was correct, Annie is a little daddy's girl. She does everything with Tom and it is absolutely adorable. Peter is a very overprotective brother and it is endearing that they have an unbreakable bond.

It may have taken a lot of ups and downs to get here but you wouldn't change it for anything. You would go through all the pain and old memories again, if it meant you got to stay in this moment forever.

A/n- that's the end guys. I'm sorry but this story had to come to an end. I will be writing a Peter Parker story next and it would be awesome if you could read that one when it comes out. It will be called Inanna. Thanks guys.

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