Chapter 13

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It has been 3 months since you and Tom started dating it has been amazing Tom is the best boyfriend in the world and even Haz and Emily started dating. You knew it was gonna happen some day. The public still doesn't know about you and Tom yet because to them Tom and Zendaya are dating. They announced it on Instagram about 2 months ago and the fans went crazy. It kinda makes you sad because you love Tom and it's hard to see him with another girl even though you know they are nothing more than friends. But to be honest with you I get nervous about it because I know Zendaya likes Tom and she doesn't know about us dating. There have been a few rumours about you and Tom floating around and you copped a lot of hate from their fans because you were interfering with Tomdaya but Tom got you through it. He was always there for you and he kept reassuring you that he loves you.

T- hey love I'm going to an event with Zendaya tonight. Is that all good?
Y- yeah it's fine. What time is it on?
T- it starts at 7 and I should be home by 10
Y- ok Emily and I are having a movie night without Haz. Thank god otherwise I would be third wheeling.
T- hahaha I'm sorry
Y- it's fine
T- your the best girlfriend ever
Y- awww. I know. Hahaha

When Tom left for the event Emily came over in her pjs and came with ice cream and chocolate. Both of you binge watched the marvel movies and fell asleep on the couch.

Tom's POV

Every time I go out with Z I feel bad because I want the world to know that I love y/n. I want to take her to events and show her off to the world like she deserves. Z and I were walking the red carpet, I stood there posing for the cameras with my arm around her waist. When we got inside Z and I were having a good time just laughing and mucking around as friends. But then Z asked me a question out of the blue.

Z- are the rumours true?
T- what rumours?
Z- the rumours about you and Haz's sister.
T- oh you mean y/n
Z- yeah whatever her name is
That was a bit rude.
T- uh yeah we are dating but you can't tell anyone.
Z- oh ok. She said with a disappointing look on her face.
I have to go to the bathroom.

Z then walked away and when it was time to go home the car ride was silent..... awkward. Thank god i was finally home.

I walked in to see y/n and Emily asleep on the couch with tubs of ice cream in their hands and captain America: Civil War on the tv. I smiled to myself. God she's so fucking adorable. I can see myself marrying this girl.

I went up to Haz's room and knocked on the door with a stupid smile on my face.

T- have you seen the girls down stairs?
H- no what are they doing?
T- they are asleep on the couch with empty ice cream tubs in their hands.
H- omg hahaha

Both of us ran down the stairs and Haz laughed and then took a photo.

T- I'm going to take y/n to bed

I lifted y/n up and kisses her on the forehead, the placed her on the bed. I laid next to her and played with her hair until I went to sleep.

Your POV

You woke up in your own bed and thought how did I get here? I was on the couch with Emily last night. But then I rolled over and saw my handsome boyfriend sleeping beside me. Of course he carried me to bed. You had a shower and got ready for the day. You were doing your hair while singing and dancing around. Honestly you forgot Tom was still sleeping.

Y- baby you light up my world like nobody else
T- morning beautiful haha
Y- Jesus Christ Tom you scared me.
T- sorry love. I'm going to go make some breakfast do you want some waffles?
Y- omg yessss

You walked down stairs and saw Tom, Haz and Emily sitting at the dining table eating waffles and talking.

Y- morning everyone
H+T+E- morning

You sat down at the table and started to eat your breakfast.

Y- so Tom how was the event last night?
T- um yeah it was good, Z was a bit weird though
H- what happened?
T- I have no idea. She asked about the rumours about y/n and I. So I told her that we are dating and then she went all weird.
H- you know your an absolute idiot, right?
T- well what else is new.
Y- you know she likes you
T- what!? No were only good friends
E- yeah to you but she thinks it's more
H- and saying your dating y/n. It kinda bursted her bubble
T- oh
Y- omg you are so oblivious. Haha

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