Chapter 33

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Your POV

It has been a 2 weeks since we all went dress shopping and found out that Emily was having a baby and life was pretty good. Tom an I were planning the last details of our wedding because it was in just over a month. I was really excited and couldn't wait to marry the man of my dreams. I couldn't imagine being with anybody else, he is my one and only.

Y- hey babe, I'm just going to the grocery shops to get some ice cream.
T- ok do you want me to go with you?
Y- no I can go. You stay here and relax you have a big day tomorrow for filming.
T- ok if you say so.

I grabbed my wallet and phone and Tom gave me a kiss before I left. I was now on my way to the grocery shops and somewhen ran through a red light. The car crashed into me and then everything went black.

Henry's POV

Haha I'm back....
I went to jail for 2 years and I got out on "good behaviour". I heard the news of y/n and Tom's wedding and that was not ok with me. I have been out for a month now and I have been following y/n everywhere but she never noticed. I saw that she was going out alone and I thought this was the perfect moment to take her. But then a thought occurred to me... if I can't have her then why should tom? The only option was to kill her and I thought a car crash was the perfect way to get away with it. I saw her sitting in her car singing along to music and then her light turned green. This was the moment. I looked her right in the eyes and hit her head on. I drove off straight after I saw her crash into a nearby tree. There was no way she would survive from that.

Haz's POV

I was staying over at Emily's because we were talking about the baby and about moving in together. Then my phone rang but there was no caller ID, I decided to answer it anyway though.

Haz- sorry babe I got to take this
E- that's fine

Haz- hello?
?- is this Harrison Osterfield, brother of Y/n Osterfield
Haz- yes it is. Who's calling may I ask?
?- This is the hospital. I hate to inform you but your sister has been in a car crash. She is very bad condition and is in surgery right now.
Haz- uh ok. I will be there.
*Call ended*

I couldn't help but break down. I fell onto my knees and cried with my face in my hands.

E- hey ba- what wrong?!?
Haz- y/n. I couldn't say anything more. I struggled just saying that.
E- what's happened?
Haz- she was in a car crash
E- well what are we doing here we need to get to the hospital.

We both got in the car and rushed to the hospital. I couldn't think straight. I don't know what I would do if I lost my sister. I can't. She can't go.

Once we parked the car I ran into the reception and yelled y/n's name at the poor receptionist.

R- we can't give any information unless you are family.
Haz- I'm her brother, Harrison Osterfield.
R- ok well she is in surgery at the moment.
Haz- is that it? Can I have some more information please? Like my sister could be dying.
R- I don't know anymore than that. I'm sorry but you are just going to have to take a seat.

Emily and I took a seat and we both just sat in silence holding hands. But then I thought shit Tom doesn't know. I rang Tom and he was in hysterics on the phone. He was now on his way.

Tom's POV

Y/n should have been home by now. It doesn't take this long to get ice cream. I was beginning to worry but then I got a call from Haz. Surely he knew where she was.

T- hey mate do you know where y/n is? She was getting ice cream and hasn't come home.
Haz- mate y/n has been in a car accident.
T- what??
Haz- she was hit by a car and is in surgery now.
T- I'm on my way.
*Call ended*

I couldn't hold my tears. I ran to my car and drove to the hospital as fast as I could, not caring about the speeding tickets I could get. That was my fiancé and she is laying on a surgery table clinging to life.

When I got to the hospital I ran inside and saw Haz and Emily both with their heads in their hands.

T- any news??!!!
Haz- no she hasn't come out of surgery yet
T- how long has she been in there?
E- couple of hours
T- what even happened?
Haz- a car ran a red light and crashed into her, her car then smashed into a tree.
T- I swear once I find the guy that's done this...

Then a doctor walked in holding a clipboard.

Dr- anyone here for y/n Osterfield?

We all stood up and the doctor gestured for us to follow him. We were lead to a room with y/n laying in the middle of it on a hospital bed, unconscious. She has tubes and cords attached to her and she was bruised everywhere. I couldn't bare to see her like this. While Haz was talking to the doctor I ran to y/n's side and sat in the chair next to her. I stroked her hand and played with her hair. Letting her know I was there. The doctor then left and Haz walked over to me and put his hands over his mouth while tears were pooling in his eyes. Emily was turned away because she couldn't see her best friend like this and I understand that.

T- what did the dr say?
H- she's in a comma. She lost a lot of blood and has some potential brain damage.
T- omg
H- mate they don't know if she's going to wake up...

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