Chapter 17

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Your POV

When you got home all of the boys were still there. They were all playing mario kart and having a good time which made you laugh.

T- hey babe
Y- hey
P- omg y/n!

Paddy put his game down and hugged you.

Y- hey what's up pads?
P- nothing I just missed you
Y- haha ok
T- come over here and watch me win
Haz- bullshit your not winning
S- yeah I'm winning
H- um I don't think so

You walked over to the couch where they were all seating but since there was no room on the couch, you sat on Tom's lap.

Haz- anyway, where's my girlfriend?
Y- she went home after shopping cause she had some family thing to do
Haz- oh ok
T- I'm sorry about today
Y- it's ok

You gave Tom a quick kiss

Haz- ew get a room
S- y/n distract him so I can win

With that you smirked and planted a another kiss on Tom, this time lasting longer. Tom dropped his controller and kissed you back. You kinda got a bit carried away. Sam cleated his throat and both of you were snapped back into reality.

H- umm we are to Mum and Dads house for dinner. Do you wanna join, y/n?
Y- yeah sure I would love too
S- we are leaving in 30 minutes
Y- ok well I have to go have a shower since I had a drink poured all over me.

You walked upstairs and took a shower while singing to all your favourite songs. Once you got out you put on a pair of denim shorts and a nice top and then did some light makeup. You sat up in your room for the 5 minutes left that you had until you had to go. You decided to check Instagram because you haven't in a while and that's when you see a post from Zendaya. You yelled at the top of your lungs.

Y- WTF!!!

You started crying and curled up into your bed. You heard the door creek open and it was Harry.

H- what's wrong?
Y- check Instagram

You shoved your phone into his face to show him the thing Zendaya posted.

It was a picture of her and Tom and the caption says- everyone has probably seen that last night I was cheated on. Tom posted on his Instagram saying that it was his fault but this bitch launched herself at him. She's a jealous bitch who is trying to get in the way of Tom and I. Tom isn't the one to blame ok guys, she is. Tom and I are still dating a still love each other. 💕

Harry finished reading what it says and hugged you tightly. You buried your face into his shoulder and continued to cry.

Y- how could she? She knows it's only a contract.
H- I don't know, we all know she likes him.
Y- uh why is this so difficult?
H- I know you deserve to be happy
Y- thanks Harry. Your a great friend
H- your welcome. Do you still want to go to dinner?
Y- yeah I still want to go
H- ok lets go

You both walked to the living room and saw everyone ready to go. Paddy ran up to you and hugged you again because he saw that you had been crying. You walked up to Tom and he wrapped both of his arms around you, time froze it was like only you and him were in the room. The comfort of his arms were your safe place nothing could hurt you while you had him wrapped around you.

You had to take 2 seperate cars, you went with Tom and Paddy cane with you. Once you got to Tom's parents house you were greeted by Niki who came out of the house and hugged you. Soon after Dom followed and hugged you as well.

N- omg y/n I haven't seen you in years. You look gorgeous
Y- oh thank you Nikki it's great to see you and you as well Dom

You all walked inside and the boys went outside to play with a footy while you helped Nikki cook dinner. Before dinner you went to check on the boys.

P- hey y/n do you want to play rugby with us?
T- Paddy girls don't really like to play rough sports
Y- you smirked oh don't they just. Well I guess I have to play now don't I. Just to prove you wrong.

You were on a team with Sam and Haz and Harry, Paddy and Tom were on the other. Tom had the ball so you tackled him and fell on top of him. You kissed him for a little and then grabbed the ball out of his hands and scored. You jumped up and down with Haz and Sam, while Tom sat on the ground in disbelief.

Y- I'm sorry girls don't do what?
T- hey that's not fair you distracted me.
Y- oh well, I beat you

You all went inside and had dinner. It was the best, the evening was filled with laughter and chatter. It was the perfect thing to distract you.

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