Chapter 15

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Once you and Tom snapped back to reality, you got off the wheel and started walking to the car. Then one of the worst things happens. You saw the flashes of several camera, fucking paparazzi. Tom took your hand in an instinct and ran to the car with you by his side.

Y- fuck that's not good
T- it's ok love I will sort it out
Y- how?
T- I don't know yet but I will figure it out. Don't worry about it

Once you both get home you we approached by Haz who was frantically shouting at both of you.

H- what the hell are you thinking? You can't do this shit in public.

He then showed you and Tom a picture of both of you kissing in the Ferris wheel and both of you leaving. You can't really tell that the girl in the wheel is you but the photos of you and Tom leaving confirmed who the girl in the wheel was.

T- oops
H- Tom you knew that you had to be careful, but what do you do? You go and do the thing you shouldn't do.
Y- to be fair it wasn't all Tom's fault.
T- I will sort it out
H- you better otherwise who knows what's going to happen.
T- is there a lot of negative comments?
H- not really about you because your fans still love you but there are a few. There mainly about y/n so I wouldn't go on social media for a while y/n.

You checked your phone and it was blowing up so you decided to turn it off and go to bed with Tom. He fell asleep a lot quicker than you because you couldn't help but think about the comments. So as usual you decide to go against your brother's advice and checked your social media and articles.


Where's Z, Tom?
Y/n Osterfield and Tom Holland spotted together on a date
Tom cheating on Zendaya?


"Fucking Slut"
"He belongs with Z back off bitch"
"He doesn't love you"
"Tomdaya for life stay away bitch"
"Do you ruin everyone's relationship?"

You had enough you turned off your phone and cried. People don't know the real truth. Why would people say such horrible things? You couldn't sleep so you walked down to the kitchen to grab a drink. But then the light turned on and frightened you.

H- can't sleep?
Y- fuck Haz you scared me
H- you ok?
Y- no of course I'm not ok. Why would I? My boyfriend can't even be seen with me because he is "dating" Zendaya. Oh and I cop all this shit online and you know what it probably is all true to. They're better off together, there both famous and the fans love them together. I'm just some bitch getting in the way.

You started to cry again and Haz came to you and gave you a hug while you sobbed into his shoulder. He's the best brother he's always there for me when I need him. He pulled you away from his shoulder and grabbed both of your shoulders while looking you straight in the eyes and started to talk to you.

H- now you listen to me. You are not some bitch, you are an awesome girl and Tom is luck to have you. Tom doesn't like Zendaya he loves you. I know that this situation is challenging and you don't deserve it but it will only be for a little longer and who cares what they think you know the real truth.
Y- thank you Haz, your the best brother in the world.
H- I know haha. Plus I thought I told you to not go on social media?
Y- yeah but since when do I agree with what you say. Haha

You walked back up to your bedroom and finally got some sleep.

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