The darkness within

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Why must life be this way
All my mood ever does is decay
But don't worry it'll all be ok
Someday when I choose to fade away

All my life has been a lie
No wonder I'm the one to die
My friends probably won't care when I'm gone
Even after all I've done

I hope that someday you'll come back
Even after the way you acted
Maybe you'll actually realize where my scars came from
Even though I know I'll still be alone

But don't worry I'll still smile and laugh
Because that's the way you want me to act
No one cares about me
In order for them to I'll have to pay the fee

Why did life have to be that way
All my mood did was decay
But don't worry, now it's ok
Because I've faded away

My depression has a very good hold on me atm and that's why I don't update often so please don't be mad please understand

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