I Need To Stop . . .

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(This is straight up just me yelling at myself so like wee)

You need to stop!

•Stop saying that your emotions are stupid!
You are perfectly valid! Everyone gets sad at some point!

•Stop saying no one cares about you!
You are in a wonderful relationship with a wonderful person whom you love so much! If you need to tell yourself that every day then do it! Tell them to remind you if you need to!

•Stop being afraid to vent! / Stop asking to vent!
If you keep this bottled up all the time as soon as it comes crashing down no one is going to know how to help you including yourself! It's going to be that bad! Don't ask to talk about it! As I said, along with multiple others, your feelings are valid! I know you need to vent right now! To a REAL person, so do it! Stop being so scared! And you know it's easy to lie about how you feel but you insist on telling the truth!

•Stop worrying about everything!
Yeah they might be laughing at you and yeah they might be talking to you but that doesn't matter! The only person who's opinion about you matters is your own!

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