One Sided Love

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How one day I hope you'll look at me with that look in your eyes
How long can I keep up with this disguise
Why can't I just let the words slip out
Just an 'I love you' and I'll be out

But I hope you don't stare me down with a cold glare
I'd hope I wasn't there
You've been in my life for so long
But you yearn for another

I'm so close to saying it
But I'll just start to bite my lip
I'll stare into space
As my head is in a race

I know your my best friend
And I don't want that to end
I hate that cold stare
And then the 'I don't care'

I just need love
I feel as though I'm so stuck
Please don't leave though
Just stay and forget

A message to my crush who also is one of my friends. If you think you are that person, I'm way to scared to talk to you about this at the moment which is why I made this cuz I needed to vent...but I couldn't tell you.

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