Please. . .

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"I don't want you to end your life."
But I want to end my life.
"You have so much to live for."
I have one person that I'm currently living for. I can't hurt them anymore that they already have been.
"Live for them then."
I'm trying. Do you know how incredibly hard that is though?
"I do. Just, please don't end your life."
I only mess up peoples life's. Why should I go on?
"People care about you."
I really only have three people right now.
"Three is better than none."
It really isn't if it feels like none.
"Just live. If not for me than for your own safety."
I don't care about my safety. I care about ——.
"Live for them then."
I'm trying to! I really am! I care for them too much to leave them behind, in the dirt without reason! I know how that feels and it sucks ass! So, yes, I am trying my hardest to live for them.
Yeah, whatever..

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