Alright Alright Alright

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But anywho you remember the chapter where I talked about my crush? Alright so here's an update.
Basically I kept talking to her about my crush, which was her, and one day I was just like 'since I'm always talking to you about my crush why don't I make a crush quest? Basically I give y'all small hints about who my crush is and y'all have to guess who it is but I'll only be honest over a text as to who they are.' And so the day I gave the last hint which narrowed it down to two people. That day when I got home since I told her I'd text her when I got home she asked me if she was my crush and I said yea and she told me that when I started this thing that she started to hope she was my crush and this thing went to that thing and now we're dating and I honestly love her so much!

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