Chapter 1: the last day of school

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"Jonathan hurry up or you will be late for the last day of school" I heard my mother say as I was in the shower having the water just beat on my skin. The hot water was just running down my back. Before I turned off the water. I looked outside my window that was in the bathroom where he was again. The guy that I didn't even know the name of. Seeing him shirtless in my bathroom window with his guitar. Practicing it again it almost looked like that he was singing along again. I would love to just hear that voice just grace my ears again. For two days straight he was just sitting there and singing and playing it might sound creepy and all but I looked at him noticing every detail that there was to him, like how his hair was golden brown with the slightest of curls on top of his head, how well defined his hands were looking like they roughed up from all the years that he sat there and played guitar, also how he looked like that he was at peace when he was playing, I wish that I knew him or hell even say hello to him. How do even like someone and I never even knew their name. All I could ever think about was him. Crazy how I didn't even know this guy and he had my heart in his hands. "Jonathan Grayson hurry up and get out of that shower" I heard my mom say again and snapping me out of the daze that I was in. I quickly turned off the shower and got dressed of my last day of school till the fall when I go into my senior year. I was rushing to get out to my bus stop hoping that I would not miss this bus again. I didn't even care about how I looked at this point. I stopped just for a quick second to check my hair. Looking at myself my bright blueish-greenish eyes looking back at me. Looking at my slender body seeing how I was so skinny or skinny as a toothpick at my best friend Angie would say. I didn't like the way that I looked at all. I hated the way my body was like, I hated the way I was. I stopped staring at my body and started running down the stairs rushing didn't even say goodbye to my mom or sister. I running like a madman trying to get to my bus stop. I was trying to run and comb my hair while running which is a very bad idea by the way I suggest never doing it especially if you are in a hurry. It was till I saw Angie still waiting for the bus and I was so relieved to know that the bus didn't come yet. You see I have a very bad tendency of being late to the bus. It's not my fault that I take so long getting ready. Angie was standing there and looking at me with her unimpressed look. Angie mills my best friend since grade school she has been there for me ever since my father left back in the day. Angie has long black hair that is like a feathered more than anything. She wears little makeup as for what she says to the girls that actually do wear makeup 'those girls are so trashy', she is something else I swear.

"Finally you get here," she said with a hand on her hip. She bit her lip looking at my outfit before making the attempt of making a comment on my outfit.

"Sorry I got distracted again?" I said truthfully

"Another encounter of the hottie?" she asked me curious of what I might say I gawked an eyebrow to let her know that it might have been what she thinks or might have not been.

"Yes if you must know he was shirtless and playing the guitar and it would be late if it was Justin? " I asked her

"Oooo sexy" she squealed with a high pitched voice I just rolled my eyes not even caring what she is thinking in that dirty mind of hers. Before we knew it the bus came as we got on the bus Angie's boyfriend Justin was there. Truth be told I was head over heels for him just like Angie was I never told Angie that I liked him because I knew how she would react. She would just deny her feelings for him when I know that she likes him. I've known Angie since we were 7 and that is how she has been her entire life. She was the first and still is the only person that I have come out. I've entrusted her with her with that. I never even told anyone but her not even my family knows that I am gay. It's not like that I don't wanna tell them that I am gay it's just that I am not ready for that kind of coming out and or dealing with the drama that comes when it does. I love my family I really do but it just been a mess since my brother passed away last year. Even since my dad left us. My father left my mom when I was in the fifth grade sometimes I wondered if it was gonna be okay, but it wasn't really okay my mother struggled to pay our rent until she was finally able to get the child support. Since then I haven't seen or heard from my father, and to be honest I don't miss him. I don't even want to know more about him.

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