Chapter 9: Closure

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Those words that he said to me almost echoed in my mind 'because I might know what might have happened to him' the tears that wanted to come out almost did. I fought them as hard as I could. I looked at Taylor like what does he know? How could he possibly know what my brother went through? My brother, he knew something about my brother. What did he know? What could have happened to my brother that I didn't know about?

"What do you mean?" I asked him

"I mean I might know what happened to him the night that he died," he said to me as my eyes grew wide

"Don't be playing with my heartstrings Taylor this is not something that you should be telling me if you are," I said in a serious toned voice

"I'm not," he said to me huffing his own breath at me and then suddenly knowing that he was drunk by the smell of it and I knew then I needed to take every word with a pinch of salt.

"Come on, let's go get you into your bed," I said to him as I took one arm around him and guided him towards his house.

"He was shot you know" he slurred his own words making it sound like 'he was shit you knew' i dealt with my mother being drunk so many times I just knew that I needed to agree with him and never argue with them. I just nodded and went to his back porch when we finally got into the house. He went limper than ever.

"Where is your room?" I asked him quietly

"Upstairs" he slurred the words together "it's on the right you should be able to see your room," he said drunkenly sometimes I wish I wasn't the nice person that I was. I took his arm and wrapped it around my neck and carried his drunken body into his room. As soon as I did he looked at me like he wanted to say something to me. I didn't want to spend any more time here then I already did. So I got out of there as fast as I could but before I could even sit there and leave he grabbed my hand and it made me wait for a second, and he took out the last thing that I never thought that he would have. My brothers class ring, seeing it almost made me want to tear up. It was the only thing that wasn't found when they found his body. My eyes were filling up with tears. I wiped them away and looked into his eyes and I asked him.

"How do you have that?" I asked him, it seemed like it was all that I could sit there and get out before started to choke up about it.

"Liam had it when committed suicide in his letter it said to return this to his best friends brother," he said to me, I wanted to know if he knew my brother, but I couldn't even ask for the fact that my emotions were too high. I looked at him and just took the ring. When I exited his house and got to my back porch I stop to try to exhale from the panic that was running through my body. I was trembling like no tomorrow, my hand was shaking badly, my chest was hurt it was all the things that I hated in one. The only thing that my family never had was his graduation ring. I held it to my heart and I breathed with it next to me. I looked over at Taylor's house. My mind wanted to know what did Liam knew about my brother. I went back inside my house and just sat on my bed. I wanted to know what Liam had to do with my brother and how he came to my brother's graduation ring, but at the same time, I didn't want to. When I finally fell back asleep that night I tossed and turned wanting to know how he came across his ring. I looked at my window when it was finally breaking sunlight. I knew that I had to see Taylor. I had to know more about Liam he might be my only way of getting the closure that I need. I got up as soon as I saw that there was sunlight. I got dressed and then text him saying to meet me at the riverside as soon as he woke up. When I left my house I saw my mother passed out on the couch again. My sister will be home anytime now. I need to leave know before she comes home. I went outside and went straight for the riverside. I waited out there for what seemed like hours and before I could even think two hours later, apart of me wanted to go, but another part of me told me that I should just wait. Before I knew it two hours turned into three, three turned into four and then five. I was getting ready to leave when finally he showed up.

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