Chapter 7: What else is there to say?

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All I could do was be frozen in fear with Noah's hands wrapped around my waist. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to think or say. My mother just stood there in the doorway looking down I could not even think about this. She almost looked disappointed at the fact that I just kissed a boy and not a girl.

“Mom I can explain,” I said to her quickly trying to avoid the rush of panic that was coming over me.

“I do not have time for this Jonathan just get in I’ll talk to you in the morning,” she said as she disappeared into my house. I looked back into Noah's eyes and try to see if there was anything like that again. Just trying to find a way to know that our kiss wasn’t something that was wrong. Instead of him say something he just nodded at me and then flashed me one of his smiles. Making me think that everything was going to be okay. I went inside and went straight into my room and saw Angie. She was sitting on my bed. She looked shocked, my guess was that she saw what happened.

“Are you okay?” I asked her hoping that she didn’t see anything that happened out there.

“I should ask you,” she said which meant that she knew, she knew that I kissed Noah.

“Yeah I am fine,” I said to her

“Can I just ask one thing?” she asked me

“Sure?” I said unsure on what was about to be asked

“How long? How long have y'all been well you know” she asked me, how long? That's a question to the explanation of my life. There have been so many people that I've had like it's not even. I wished that I could just say that I had liked since my brother's death but that would be a lie. It would be a lie.

“Since my brother’s death,” I said laying backward with a sigh now on my back looking up at the ceiling. “For him, I don't even know how long it been, it's just been so damn confusing like last night he kissed me when he was half drunk and then tonight he kisses me again what I am supposed to do Angie?” I asked her

“Well, for now, i think that you need to just think about what you might face tomorrow” Angie said to me with a serious face, I didn't know what to think I didn't know if she liked the idea of me and Noah being together or if she just didn't know what to say.

“What does that mean?” I asked abruptly to her. Almost thinking that I should not have said anything like that to her. She looked like she was hurt. Like she was hurt big time by something.  

“It means better be prepared for something tomorrow,” she said as she turned over on her side, for a second it took me back, then I realized that she did not know what to say. If there is one thing that Angie is big on and that is respecting her boundaries. I just let it go and left the room for a second I thought I could hear crying coming from the door. I wanted to knock and ask her what was wrong but I didn't. I went into the living room and turned on the tv. I noticed that my mom took no time on getting another bottle of wine from the cabinet and then went back into her room. The only thing that I could think of was wanting to cut. I told myself not tonight just not tonight. I looked at the picture that was sitting next to the couch. It was from my family back when it was a family. Suddenly it doesn't feel like one. Now my best friend is upset at something and I couldn't figure out what it was. My only thoughts were on Noah. Why did he have to come over and kiss me like that? Why did I have to like him so much? Why did even have to kiss me? Those were my thoughts before I fell asleep on the couch. The next morning when I woke up I heard my mother and my sister getting into a screaming match. Once more, I had to endure it all without the safety of my own room. I had to hear it all as I laying there asleep.

“This is why you can't get a job mom!” Jeanie screamed at my mother

“Is this why you go out all night?” she asked her with her voice booming across the room

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