Chapter 18

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Natsu's POV

Lucy still hasn't woken up yet and I was starting to get scared. She must've been traumatized enough with the beating she got, but losing our baby? It must've added to the trauma. I wanted her to wake up already.
I was sitting next to our bed when I started feeling this intense energy coming from her. Was she waking up?

Lucy's POV

My eyes opened softly and I focused my vision on the person sitting next to me. It was Natsu. I looked at him, remembering what he had told me. I went to hold my belly and I started crying. Natsu noticed what I was doing and he hugged me. He was hurting too.

Natsu: I'm so sorry, Luce!
Lucy: I-It hurts! H-How c-could I lose o-our b-baby?
Natsu: It wasn't your fault! None of this is your fault!

Natsu was hugging me and I was trying to get out of his arms. I tried to push him, I tried to get of his grip but I couldn't. He kept holding onto me while I screamed "LET GO!" He cried and I cried. I clenched his shirt as I sobbed and his hug tightened.
I didn't want to feel anything anymore, so I decided not to feel anything. Since Natsu and I were mates, he sense my emotions. Before I stopped feeling anything at all, I told him to take care of Nashi and Luke, that I'm gonna be taking care of business and to not let them get near me for a few days. I wouldn't be the same Lucy. I'd be colder, more aggressive. I stopped feeling things and I got out of Natsu's grip. I started packing things since the business I'd be taking care of is not near here.

Natsu: Why are you leaving?!
Lucy: Because I need to take care of some business and I don't want any of you getting hurt! So don't come near me and don't let the kids near me.
Natsu: Tell me so I can help you!
Lucy: Oh you wanna know?! I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch who caused the death of our child. I'm doing this on my own so if you send anyone to follow me, I'll kill them without hesitation. Understood?
Natsu: Y-Yes
Lucy: See you soon, Natsu.

Natsu's POV

She's never acted this way before, this Lucy wasn't my Luce. This wasn't the Luce that I've known for years. She's different, colder. I don't blame her, our child died inside her because of that bastard. I couldn't let her get hurt so I followed her.
I continued to follow her until she stopped. I felt her anger from here. The greater her anger, the greater the strength. She walked towards the dungeon entrance and met two guards. She ripped one of the guard's heart out and swiftly ripped the other's out. Another guard caught her and stared at her in fear.

Lucy: Tell Gray that I'm here for him.

She had blood dripping from her hand and she had blood on her clothes. Gray finally came out and looked at the scene. He smirked and looked at Lucy, who had some blood on her clothes and hands.

Gray: Why are you here?
Lucy: I'm here to kill you, just like you killed my child.
Gray: Oh, that. Anyway, I don't think you could kill me. I'm older therefore stronger.
Lucy: I'm angrier!

Lucy lunged at him swiftly, landing a few kicks on him. When Luce tried to kick again, he caught her foot, throwing her. She got back up, her anger growing by the second. Luce was done with his games and lunged at him on more time. She grabbed both of his arms, squeezing and twisting them until she heard them snap multiple times, which made her smile creepily. She crawled on top of him, reaching his head and shoving her fingers into his eyes, killing him. To make sure he was dead, she ripped his heart out.
She looked around and sniffed the air. I think she might've found.

Lucy: I told you not to follow me, Natsu.
Natsu: You're my wife! I can't let you just go and get yourself hurt.
Lucy: I'm not hurt, am I?
Natsu: No, but you're grieving and the pain has led you to acting on your anger. Please calm down
Lucy: Do you KNOW how devastating it is to know that you've LOST a child growing inside you?! DO YOU?!
Natsu: Of course I know-
Natsu: Luce-
Lucy: Please go home and take care of our children. I'll be home in a few hours. I need to be alone right now.
Natsu: I don't feel comfortable leaving you out here like this. The kids miss you a lot.

Lucy's POV

Everything was a blur. I only remember being told about the miscarriage. I knew the kids missed me and I knew Natsu missed me too but right now, I need to clear my head. I don't wanna snap at my kids with my head full of chaos. They needed me and I feel bad for being distant, but I need to be alone right now. I promise I'll come back, I don't break my promises.

Lucy: I'll come back in a few hours, I promise. If I don't come back, something happened to me.
Natsu: Okay. I'll go home and I'll tell the kids.
Lucy: See ya.

And with that, we walked in opposite directions.

A few hours later

I was heading back to the castle now, having my head finally cleared. I didn't feel angry or sad. I felt.. normal. Drops started falling and pretty soon it was raining hard. Once I was close enough to the castle, I ran vampiricly inside. Natsu noticed I ran in and smiled.

Natsu: Welcome back, Luce.
Lucy: It feels good to be back. Where are Nashi and Luke?
Natsu: Nashi! Luke! Come downstairs, your mother's here!

They both came running down the stairs and tackle hugged me. They started crying and I chuckled.

Lucy: It's okay, I'm here now
Nashi: I missed you!
Luke: Me too! We're sorry about what happened..
Lucy, smiling nervously: It's okay. These things happen.
Natsu: But the way it happened wasn't normal. It shouldn't have happened.
Lucy: Natsu, they're right here. Don't talk about that in front of them.
Natsu: Sorry.

I slipped out of their tight grips and kissed their foreheads. I told them that I loved them and that I missed them. I went to my room and laid on the bed. So many things went through my mind, like 'What happened after Natsu had told me about the miscarriage?' 'What did I do?' Natsu walked in, smiling slightly. He laid down next to me on the bed, facing my back. He put his arm around my waist and belly.

Natsu: I love you Lucy.
Lucy: I love you too.

I was now facing his front and I kissed his forehead. I scooched closer to him, his arm still around me. My eyes started to close slowly. Tomorrow will hopefully be different.

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