Colby Brock Blurb

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.


Walking into the bathroom, you scrub off the makeup from today. No longer needing it because it's nearly midnight, and it's like hell you're going to go and film a video at this time of night.

Everything comes off easily, except for the mascara and red lip gloss. The lip gloss smeared across your face slightly, so it took extra time to get it off. And then mascara is normally a pain in the ass either way.

So, when it does come off entirely, you turn and go to Colby and yours shared room. Naturally, when you date someone after a couple of years, you're bound to share a room.

And apparently, a house with four other guys, and the occasional girlfriend if they stay over too.

Today has been a great day so far. You woke up on time to your alarm, shower was just the right temperature. Makeup matched the outfit, spent time with your best friends. Filmed a video with them, then proceeded to go to a house party with no complications at all with your car.

That was a surprise, because something goes wrong. Since it does it so often too, you've learned about every trick in the book when it comes to repairing it.

Just saying.

So, needless to say, you're in a pretty good mood.

Swinging open the bedroom door, you begin to chirp, "Hey Colby babe I —"

Your eyes sweep the room, and they land on Colby, who's on the bed shirtless. Next to him, is some girl you've never seen, with a blanket pulled up and over her chest. They look shocked, and it clicks in your mind before any words— or tears —form.

Your smile falls, and you begin to bite the inside of your cheek. No words form at all, it's like you've blanked out.

But at the same time, there are three hundred words going through your mind a minute. Telling you that you should've known and he was acting off since yesterday.

"(Y/ —" Colby starts, beginning to push himself off the bed.

You turn around, bringing your hand up to your cheek, to feel the wetness come across your palm.

Didn't even realize you were crying.

"(Y/n) —"

He's right behind you, and when you turn, you also see the girl behind him too. You don't know who to blame first.

The girl, who obviously knew that he had a girlfriend. Or Colby, who went after her in the first place.

Your arm swings and Colby ends up being the victim. The sound of skin on skin fills the air and you don't even stay long enough to see his reaction.

"Fuck you, Colby. Fuck you and fuck the girl that you decided to cheat on me with," You snarl, although it doesn't sound as nasty as you wanted it to be. It sounds wavered and like you were going to break.

"Wait— (Y/n) —" He says, there's pounding of feet getting further away, and then he's coming back, "Wait— slow down, are you leaving?"

"Fuck off! Why do you care?!" You yell, throwing the door shut, it slams behind you.

It opens a couple of seconds later, but you're inside your car. It's started up and you're leaving.

It's muffled, but you hear them yelling for you to stop. And then you hear the three magic words.

"It's a prank! (Y/n), it's a prank!" Colby yells, which makes you put the car into park and your hands on your face.

Placing your head down on the steering wheel, you finally let it out. It turns uncontrollable and eventually, you unlock the door for Colby.

It swings open, and his arms wrap around you tightly, "Hey, hey I wouldn't ever do this to you."

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