Blair Witch Project - Colby Brock

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "reader went with them to the forest and she's dating colby but she stayed back with corey and freaked out when colby went missing"

Warnings; angst, swearing, fluff

Word Count; 2,933 words

Pronouns; Female


The initial reason why you'd agreed to go to Witch's Forest in the first place, was to replace Corey. Since they were a group, and they couldn't just leave without a fourth person.

Colby naturally turned to you instead, hoping that you'd agree to go to one of these at least once. Even better, you'd go for him. Just a small favor he was asking of you, as you'd always ask for him to do things for him.

He didn't even have to ask, you were gonna ask him if he needed you to go anyway. But since he'd asked so nicely, you said yes.

Only halfway into the trip, you all had to turn back to get Corey. And that was a little bit of a fishy situation. Cause the car only fit five people, and you were sitting comfy on the opposite side of Jake.

And now that Corey was getting added into the mix, you were forced to either scoot over, or stay back with Devyn. And just have her drive you home later that day.

You nearly said 'screw it' and just stayed with Devyn. But Colby gave you those damn puppy eyes, begging you to stay there with him. Which was totally unfair of him to do, because you could've been doing other things right now.

However, you hardly ever say no to your boyfriend, so he's spoiled, and you know it. You said you'd stay, and then just like that, you were squished in the middle of the seat, left to be like that for the rest of the ride.

Corey and Jake couldn't have been that comfortable either, because you guys don't normally squish into a car like this. Just to avoid getting in other peoples personal spaces. So, now you three were all sharing the same seat and it was a little difficult.

No elbow room. Though, Jake did press his body against the door the last half of the ride. Still active in conversations even though he looked like he was slowly dozing off most of the time. And Corey just sat on his phone, texting his friends and playing games.

You basically talked to Sam and Colby the entire time, asking them what the trip is going to be about. Since you weren't really briefed beforehand. All you really learned was that the Witches Forest was supposedly haunted, and that you guys would be camping out in the woods—great—and would eventually go to Jennifers cabin.

You were hoping that you'd all go to the cabin first, and once seeing the inside, the decision would be changed to stay inside of there instead. Because truth be told, you weren't too keen on being out in some haunted woods. Much less one called Witches Forest.

You're glad that you don't normally accompany Colby on trips like these, because you're sure that you'd curl up and die.

Later you guys went to meet Jennifer's friend. And she ended up giving you guys a tarot card reading. Watching her give you guys the cards she did, made you want to go back home. The door opening behind her wasn't helping much either.

After you guys went to find a campsite, and upon seeing it on the edge of the woods, in a clearing. Made you kinda wanna... not sleep in the tent.

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