Saturday Nights - Trap House

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.


Summary; Saturday Nights are for the roommates, and when that's interrupted by Reader's asshole boyfriend, they are glad to kick him out.

Warnings; 2 swear words and hints of abuse

Word Count; 1,224 words

Pronouns; female


"Sam, you're doing it wrong," Colby says, leaning over to grab the game controller out of his hands, but Sam yanks it away.

"Shut up, bitch ass," Sam scowls, making all of you guys laugh, "I've been playing this game longer than you,"

"Doesn't mean you're any good at it," Colby shrugs, and Sam elbows him in the stomach, before making the goal.

Rocket League wasn't one of your favorite games to play, so that's the reason why you aren't the one going up against Corey. You're sure if you had, then you would've been the worst person to play the game against him.

Jake is on Sam's team, a grin spreading across his face as he watches the replay of what happened. Aaron on the other hand—who's playing for Corey—doesn't look so happy and starts to wrestle against Jake to get his controller.

"Get off of me!" Jake laughs, pushing Aaron away with his foot, "Go back to playing Fortnite!"

"Let's be honest here, you two got lucky," Aaron says, rolling his eyes as he starts to focus on the game again.

"We're tied, dude! This isn't luck!" Sam laughs.

"He has a point," You say, getting up to grab a soda, "Anyone want something to drink?"

Tonight is one of the average weekends you all share together. Every Saturday night—if you can help it—you all sit downstairs to play a couple of video games, and occasionally watch a movie if you guys get bored. It's hardly ever though, you're sure you heard one of them talking about Mortal Kombat next, and you won't pass up on that.

Saturday is the day of the week you look forward to. Shows just how much of a family you guys have grown into. Of course, when you all moved in it started off a little awkward, especially since you were the second girl in the house. But eventually, you and Devyn became good friends, which helped you and Katrina get along.

"A water, please," Sam says, "So I can dump it on Corey,"

Colby pushes himself off the couch to join you in the kitchen to grab his own drink and some snacks. He'd feel bad for asking you to grab it, especially since he'd be technically taking some of the other guys' stash of junk food.

Wouldn't be the first time, you're guilty of doing that sometimes. It became a habit, and they didn't suspect you were the person doing it, you're in the clear for the most part.

"You actually want the water?" You ask, grabbing a Sprite and a water bottle.

"Yeah," Sam says, a second later you pop around the corner holding the bottle, before tossing it in his direction.

For a second, you're sure it's going to hit him, but he catches it with one hand and places it next to his thigh. A small smile comes over his face, "Thanks,"

"No problem," you say, turning your attention to Colby, who's rummaging through Jake's cupboard, "Corey has the best snacks, just so you know,"

Colby looks over at you, confused for a second, "How do you know?"

The knocking at the door saves you from explaining how you know, and you go over to answer it. There stands your boyfriend, making you a little bit confused about why he's here.

He knows very well that you reserve Saturdays for the boys—sometimes, yes you crack open a cold one—and that's why you don't go out. So, seeing him here is a little bit intimidating and worrying.

"Hey, Ryan," you say, smiling and opening up the door, "What're you doing here?"

"Can we talk?" he asks immediately, glaring past you.

"Sure," You say, moving out of the way for him to come in. When you do, you catch a glimpse of Colby in the hallway, giving you a look.

You shrug, before closing the door and starting to lead Ryan to your room. It's the smallest one in the house, but since you were the last one to move in, you don't really mind it. It's cozy if anything, and it hardly ever gets cold on there.

However, it gets hot in there easily. You know this from experience when the guys had bombarded you once in your room. The body heat did not circulate out of the room properly and in no time, you all were sweating.

Once you reach your room and shut the door, you go over and sit on the bed, waiting for him to start talking. Because you surely have no goddamn idea what this is going to be about.

Or so you thought.

"I told you to stop hanging out with them alone," Ryan says through gritted teeth, his arms are crossed. He looks pissed off.

It's this argument again, you literally told him to drop it, but apparently, he doesn't know what that means. So, let's refresh his memory.

"Ryan, they're my best friends, they all have girlfriends anyway," you shrug, pushing yourself off the bed so he isn't talking down to you.

"Colby doesn't," he retorts.

"Colby doesn't like me like that," You snap, eyes squinted, "We aren't going to talk about this, you have nothing to worry about,"

"You're moving in with me," he says, ignoring what had just come out of your mouth.

"No, I'm not," your face scrunches up, "You have no control over me,"

That seems to do it, because one second you're standing there, trying to square up to his height, and the next, he has one hand on your chin, and another on your forearm, holding both tightly.

"Really?" He asks.

"Get off of me!" You shout, trying to push him off, but it doesn't work, he's a lot stronger than you are.

You're about to defend yourself when the door opens to reveal the guys. Corey pulls Ryan into a headlock, pulling him backward as Colby pries his fingers off your forearm.

"Let's not do that," Corey growls, pulling him out of your room and down the hall.

"What—" You start, but Sam starts to look you over.

"Are you okay? Did he do anything?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," you say, pushing past him and going to follow where Corey and Colby went. When you're in the hallway, you see Aaron is standing by the door.

"He's getting him out of the gate," Jake says, you look over to see him with his arms crossed too, he doesn't look very happy, "And getting his key,"

You can faintly hear yelling, and then the clang of the metal gate. And finally, the only words you're able to decipher is from Colby yelling, "And lose her fucking number, prick!"

A couple of seconds later, Corey and Colby are inside of the house again, the door shut behind them.

"What's going on?" Devyn asks, she's on the staircase.

"Ryan showed up," Corey says, Devyn groans slightly, "Are you okay, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah," You say, "Thanks? Were you guys waiting for him to do that?"

"More or less," Jake says, uncrossing his arms, "He's a douche, we've known it for a while now,"

"Oh," you say, frowning for a second, before shaking your head and heading to the kitchen, "I need a drink, Saturday Night is back on,"

"And just like that, she's back," Aaron laughs.

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