Mommy Dearest - Colby Brock

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.


Summary; Colby's mom does not like Reader, and insults her. And then she sees how wonderful she is after the guys chime in.

Warnings; swearing

Word Count; 1,788 words

Pronouns; Female


"(Y/n)! We might have a problem!" Colby's voice echoes through the hallway, and into your shared room.

Pushing yourself off the bend with a grunt, you walk over to the door, swinging it open to reveal Colby.

He looks only a little panicked, his hair is disheveled and he grips the doorway tightly.

"What's wrong?" You ask, frowning slightly at his expression, "Why do you look like that."

Lifting your hand, you place it on his cheek. He leans into it a little bit, tilting his head, but the facial expression doesn't change really, it's still just as, or even a little bit more worried.

"My family's here," he blurts, and your eyes widen.

Drawing your hand back, you look down at yourself. Trying to find flaws in your outfit that they might not like. This isn't the first time you've met a boyfriends parents, but Colby's is a special occasion, they raised him amazingly—except for the stupid things he does sometimes—so, a good impression is required, not requested.

A tank top, as usual, cause it's hot down there in LA. Plus, you're only lounging around in the house anyway, there wasn't really a need for something crazy, until Colby and you went out to dinner later. Shorts, but modest enough to hopefully not piss her off.

"Do I look okay?" You ask, looking back at Colby with the same wide eyes.

He smiles, and you squint at him, suddenly suspicious this is a prank. You wouldn't put it past him, he's tried this on you before, but that time it didn't work.

"You look fine,"

"Is this a prank?" You ask, peeking around him.

"Sadly, no." He grabs your hand, and starts to direct you downstairs, even though you don't need his help. You've been living in this house for as long as he has.

Nearly two years is a long time to be dating him for. You're proud of yourself for finding a keeper! Now all you have to do is lock it down with the family, and you might just be set for life.

Kidding, of course.

Although, you're not entirely sure how Colby will react if his mom doesn't end up liking you as much as he's hoping she will. Will he end up dumping you? Maybe he'll defend you? That's what you'd do for him if your mom and dad didn't like him.

But they thought he was just fine, your mom even pulled you off to the side to tell you to not let him go. Your dad was only a bit skeptical at first, until Colby's manners shone through—thank god—and proved he was worthy of having you.

"So, is it just your mom and dad?" You ask, looking up at him for a moment, to see that he's shaking his head, "Your brother is here too?"

"Yup, but don't worry about Gage, I'm sure he'll like you,"

"But you're saying you're unsure about your parents?" You ask, stopping where you are.

You're at the top of the staircase, and he's two steps down. He turns to look at you, holding a very small smile, "I'm sure you're going to get along just fine."

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