love is love - Colby Brock

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; LightenUpBrock. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "since requests are open again, would you mind doing a platonic Colby x reader? Where she comes out as bi and has a really tough time with it? And he just supports her like the supportive friend he is? Thankyou!"

Warnings; FLUFF

Word Count; 1,575 words

Pronouns; Female



You've been keeping it to yourself for a while now. And you would've told him—or anyone for that matter—sooner, if it wasn't for the fact that every time you thought of doing it, you felt uncomfortable.

Boys will be boys—a terrible expression, you don't support it—but with all the gay jokes... you were a little unsure on how they'd react exactly. Of course, they've always mentioned the fact that they support the LGBTQ.

Hell, there's a gif on the internet of Colby wearing a shirt that says 'I support same-sex marriage' on the back. There's no doubt that they don't support the community.

But that doesn't mean you weren't going to be careful anyway. And that's just what you were. It wasn't exactly tip-toeing on everything you did. You can most definitely go about the day and not give off any hint that you are in the community. It's not that hard, you don't have to scream your sexuality from the rooftops.

However, lately it's been getting a little hard to keep quiet about it. Mainly because there are a ton of attractive girls that the boys meet. And when they just shrug them off so easily—to be fair, most of them have girlfriends by now, but you're a little surprised on how nonchalant Colby is when it comes to girls.

How many times you'll see a girl and go 'wow, she's girlfriend material' and nearly say it out loud. Maybe you'd be able to play it off as you trying to set him up. But in reality, you're mainly saying it to yourself.

Since the guys no longer live on one big house anymore, you don't have to worry about them eavesdropping the conversation. Someone could accidentally walk into the apartment, and interrupt you two. But unless they're pressing their ear against the door, there's no way that they'll hear you super easily. The walls aren't that thin.

You feel safer ping it in private anyway. And you're sure that you'll end up going and telling the other guys eventually anyway. But it's all just a matter of time and the fact that your heart will be able to take it. If Colby ends up reacting badly, then you're not sure how the other guys will end up feeling. Either somewhat similar, or very different. All you really know is that they all basically have the same personality.

So, what could be a bad reaction from Colby, could reflect on what might happen when it comes to the other guys. Although, you're not sure that Sam would think badly of you. Or the others for that matter, you're not assuming the worst out of them automatically. It's more of the fact that if worse case scenario comes around, then terrible, gross and friendship-ruining scenario could follow.

You're not going to hang around them if they don't support you. But after knowing Colby for... a couple of years now, not as long as Sam has known him, but up there in a way, you're sure that Colby won't think of it much anyway.

You're hoping that he'll feel like the reveal was a little underwhelming and that he was expecting something bigger. Almost like it doesn't matter and it doesn't change anything about you. And in that case, you could continue to live your life normally without giving another care in the world. Because he doesn't. And he's really the only one that matters in this situation.

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