stoner - Colby Brock

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, azurebrock.

Summary; ' Could you please write something where Colby has a stoner girlfriend and the group doesn't like her at first because they think she's a bad influence but learns she's a literal cinnamon roll and comes around to liking her '

Warnings; swearing, FLUFF, mention of smoking, also bullying

Word Count; 1.2k


You've tried literally everything possible to get them to like you. You're nice–not that you aren't normally–and considerate. You're generous, you're funny. You've tried the relatable route, but you're not sure that they liked that so much. You tried being quiet and just letting them do everything, but once again, they basically ignore you anyway. They might have liked that one the best though.

Colby has tried telling you that they have to warm up to you, but there's something underlying it. They're hiding something, and it has to be about you, otherwise they wouldn't be like this. With Colby alone, they're always happy and excited to see him. They hug him when they arrive, and they spark conversation almost immediately.

But with you, they brush you off. In order to get you into any sort of conversation, Colby has to get you in. Ask your opinion, or tell them that you give great advice on whatever they may be asking about. At first, you tried to be like that. Speak when spoken to, and leave it at that.

It reached the point where they were obviously finding it annoying and you had to tell Colby to stop doing that. If they wanted to talk to you, then they would. You sit around and listen now, talking to Colby mostly, and when you've had enough of the pizza nights, you'll get an uber and say goodbye to Colby.

He normally picks you up for pizza nights, trying to be considerate and all, but he lives next door to Sam. So the only way to get home is to either have him drive you, or basically catch a cab. And since you're not too fond of getting on Colby's friends' bad side any more than you are already, you go home early and call an uber.

You've tried too damn hard to get them all to like you, and you're sure at this point that there's no way they'll end up liking you. Not at all. It's not like you're a bad person, you spend most of your time at home. You work like the rest of them, have other friends, you volunteer sometimes.

If they don't like you, you guess that there's nothing you can really do to change that. You don't want to surround yourself with people like that, so lately you've been saying no to the invites. At one point you told him that his friends are assholes, but later apologized because they've been with him longer than you have.

You're not a rotten apple or anything. You're a regular human being, and you have feelings. So, being around them have done some shit to you. You told Colby that you'd rather hang around your place, deciding that you don't even want to be in the same building as them because of it.

Colby and Sam–his best fucking friend–live next door to each other. Just the thought of accidentally seeing him in the hallway makes you feel awful. All it would have to take is Sam knowing you're next door, inviting everyone who hates you over and 'accidentally' going out at the same time as you to make you never go over ever again.

It's irrational, but the things that people do when they don't like someone is mind boggling, and it makes you think into their actions more. Basically, it can ruin someone's self esteem and you're really not looking forward to falling into that rabbit hole again.

However, Colby has been begging you this entire week to go again. You've said yes, but you told him that if it's anything like the other hundred times you've gone with him, then you're never doing it again. And when you say never, you mean it.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

"It'll be fun tonight," Colby bounces slightly, "Sam has set up a few games, we'll get to know each other better!"

"You guys already know everything about each other. You're basically getting to know me." You tell him.

"And you're getting to know them, a good exercise."

You take a second to compose yourself before Colby knocks on Sam's apartment door. You let him stand in front, holding his hand nervously, playing around with his rings. You feel like a child.

The door opens and you don't bother to make eye contact with whoever opened it, "Hey!"

"Hey Colby, (Y/n)." It's Katrina, her voice is perky.

"Hi," you mutter, still not looking at her when you guys pass through the doorway. In your mind, if you don't look at any of them, then you won't have to see the disappointment.

"Finally!" Mike shouts, "Took you long enough, were you straightening your hair, Colby?"

Colby flips Mike off, slowly guiding you around the couches, "Let's start."

"No pizza?" Sam asks.

"Not hungry." Colby tells him simply.

Tara cuts in, "What about you, (Y/n)?"

You barely look at her, this is bare minimum, she's probably just pretending again, "I'm fine."

They start out with a game of Never Have I Ever, and since they know each other, they take the obvious jabs. At one point you say you haven't traveled out of the country–why go anywhere when California has it all?–and almost all of them put their fingers down.

After that, it's obviously directed towards you, with a 'never have I ever smoked weed'. You stare Devyn in the eyes as you put a finger. Unsurprised as Mike, Aryia and Tara do the same thing. But that's not the end of it.

"I'm shocked, you haven't smoked, Colby?" Devyn asks, tilting her head slightly, "I'd just think, since you're around (Y/n)–"

This is it, you've hit your boiling point, "I have absolutely no clue what your problem is, but thinking that I'd peer pressure Colby into smoking is insulting on it's own." And then you look around to the others to see that they're apprehensive, "you guys are unbelievable."

When you go to stand, Tara grabs your arm, "I don't see you guys judging me for smoking."

"We didn't know." Devyn tries to reason.

"That's still really out of line, Devyn." Katrina tells her, "You guys are seriously mad because she takes up some of Colby's time and it's stupid."

"I'm glad Colby's gone," Mike pitches in, "He's a douchebag."

"Dude, fuck you." Colby says.

Tara doesn't let this lighten up the mood, "Stop it, leave her alone. Hell, leave the apartment if she bothers you that much."

It's not just Devyn, you can see the looks to Jake, Cassie, and Sam. Sam holds up his hands, taking a seat on the arm of the couch, Jake nods, and Cassie apologizes. After that, it's Devyn.

"Fine, sorry."

Tara looks to you, "Sorry we were mean. I promise some of us weren't like that on purpose, there's always so much going on in the apartment."

"Thank you," you tell her.

Colby doesn't let the night stop though, eventually he says that he bought alcohol–it's true–and the both of you take off to the car.

Once the both of you are actually in the elevator, he finally speaks, "See? Not so bad."

"I can't believe you told off your friends." you laugh.

"Anything for you," Colby hugs you to his chest, "Also I have a question."


"When can I start smoking?"

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