Best Friend - Colby Brock

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I am NOT taking requests on Wattpad, if you want to have a request done, you'll have to go to my Tumblr; Quinn-Imagines. This is just so I keep my priorities straight.

Summary; "Hello!Since requests are open could I request a platonic Colby imagine? I don't know if you remember but I sent it a couple weeks ago I think. It had something to do with his tweet saying something along the lines of "Talk about me all you want but when you bring my friends into it then we have a problem" and I was wondering if you could do one where Colby and you are friends and someone talks bad about you and he defends you? Love your blog btw!"

Warnings; swearing

Word Count; 1,517 words

Pronouns; Female


When it comes to people having a problem with you, it doesn't happen very often. Mainly because you're a passive person, and more often times than not, you try to resolve the problem, rather than fighting it out. Or just letting it cook in the oven for too long.

It makes life a lot simpler to you, so you don't have to worry about whether someone likes you or not. If you can solve it, then you're most likely going to try, or you're not going to be friends with them at all. Just so you don't waste your time with people that don't like you.

After those problems, normally you and the person go back to being friends and get to know each other more. And then it's like you two are best friends, and just had to get to know each other first.

What you didn't know the last time you forgave someone, was that they weren't entirely over it, like you were. They were in fact, still very mad about it and had decided to play it off rather than just say it to your face.

It stayed behind closed doors for the longest time, because it'd happened months ago. And now you supposedly thought they were safe to talk to again, so you went back to telling them things you wouldn't normally let get out. Or tell others just in case they wanted to tell other people after that.

Needless to say, that was a mistake, and you should've seen it coming, or at least asked someone for a second opinion. Before though, you'd never needed to do something like that. It was more like you and the person would agree to not talk for a day or so, and then after that you guys would go right back to normal. No tension, no worries.

The girls name, Bella, had decided that she most definitely wasn't over it, and the fact that you went back to normal had pissed her off even more. She didn't like how you got over thing so quickly.

Whether it was out of jealousy or not, you don't know. What you do know, is that all the stuff you were telling her, was being told to her actual best friend. Who after that was telling others, and it basically turned into a huge chain of one telling another, and it lead to one person who didn't like that.

Brennen Taylor—bless this man—had ended up with many words that were more than just hurtful. And when he found out who was talking about it all, he turned to the person that knows you best; Colby.

You, Colby and Sam are basically the golden trio. And while you watched them do their things with Vine and YouTube, you sat on the sidelines, cheering them on the entire time. You're a little bit of a cheerleader, but they're glad that you're around.

There were times when they weren't feeling as though they were good anymore, and you'd be right behind them, telling them not to feel like that. And that there were plenty of people that loved them. You, being one of them.

Likes to dislikes doesn't mean anything. You had to remind them that not all of their content is going to please everyone. So, they eventually developed the mindset to ignore them, and just continue on with what they normally do. There's always going to be people being the Debbie Downers, and sometimes they just need to move on without them.

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