Back to Hogwarts

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April's POV:

Today, I'm about to start my 7th and last year at Hogwarts. I'm standing alone on the Platform 9/34, waiting to enter the black and red train. Everyone around me seems to be in a hurry. Parents and kids are running around with their baggage, trying not to miss the train. The smoke emanating from the engine is only adding to the already big chaos.

Unfortunately for me, there is no one I can hug goodbye. I never had the luck to meet my parents. They abandoned me as soon as they came out of the hospital wing where I was born. I grew up in an orphanage, not bothering to search for the people who leaved me behind. I don't even know if they were muggles or wizards. My letter was brought seven years ago by a little owl. That's when I discovered that magic actually exists.

I look around me to see parents hugging their child goodbye and I can't help but feel some sort of emptiness spreading inside my heart. Even after so many years, I steel feel like a freak. No family, no close friends. I'm the type of girl sitting in front of the lake or by the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room reading a book. After so many years, I'm used to shut myself in my own world in order to ignore the pain the real world could bring to me.

I let out a sigh before walking strait to the train, the wind blowing in my curly long brown hair. I immediately start searching for an empty compartment. I know that other students are probably going to join me but I don't care. I sit in the first one I find and take my latest book out.

Just as predicted I hear the door getting pushed open to reveal four boys and a girl with long red hair. I glance at them before returning to my book again, internally sighing. This is just my luck. I'm going to share my compartment with the gang known as the marauders.

James Potter is a tall boy with black hair and big glasses. Next is Sirius Black, the handsome boy that every single girl seams to fancy (everyone besides me of curse). The two other boys are shyer. Peter Pettigrow is a small boy, always running behind them like a little puppy dog. Remus Lupin on the other hand is probably the most mysterious one. He has dark blond hair always covering his scared face. He doesn't speak much, obviously preferring to study while the others are planning pranks. It makes me wonder why he actually continues to hang out with them.

These guys are known as the greatest troublemakers in Hogwarts. I don't really know the girl, despite the fact that we are in the same house. I know for sure that her name is Lily Evans and that something is going on between her and James Potter.

They all take a seat with Lily in front of me and Remus on my left.

"What are you reading?" Lily suddenly asks me as the train heads off.

I look up to meet her green eyes and I can't hide my surprise. No one actually wants to speak with me usually.

"Humm... It's a muggle book actually..." I slightly respond, trying not to stutter in the process as everyone turns their heads towards me. I feel really uncomfortable, not use to drive attention to myself.

"What is it about?" she continues to ask me, giving me a comforting smile.

"It's about a woman trying to teach the humans to accept other mystical creatures. They lived in war for so many years and she's the first person that truly accept them as they are." I give her a short summary.

"Sounds great" she simply replies before turning around to speak with James sitting on her right. Everyone starts to laugh and chat happily. I soon feel like I doesn't belong in this conversation anymore so I turn my attention back to my book.

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