Review 13| Hearts Don't Lie

37 1 7

Author: _jd____
Reviewer: _Michelle_Narissa_

Genre: Romance/Drama

Cover: I really like the cover. Its shows what family is and can be like. But then it has that darkness that a family can have. Did that make any sense? (5/5)

Title: I love the title!! Its kinda ironic. Hearts. Don't. Lie. I mean how could a heart lie in the first place? (5/5)

Description: I don't want to be rude or anything, but I don't really like the description. The last part, "Can we meet?" I think it needs more to go along with it instead of just that one question. The rest of it, I think works but just needs some twerks in certain places. (3/5)

Plot: Its sad that they drifted apart just because he wouldn't believe her, and you show the emotion quite clearly in both of their POV's. I really like how you put the flashbacks in there, so the reader knows what went on instead of leaving it all a mystery. I love mystery and all, but if you didn't do it, I would be super confused. I have never read a book like this, honestly, so the plot and the things that happen in it are new to me. And I like that. I'm also a drama girl so that makes the book even better. What's makes it great though, is you add new people into both of their lives instead of just them and Sky. Calypso and Fredrick add a new twist to the story. (5/5)

Grammar/Spelling: This book had many mistakes in it, but it isn't that bad. Just needs a little editing. (3.5/5)

Overall: I really enjoyed this book actually. It was new to me. It also had really good character development and you convey it to the readers really well. It goes a little fast, but its not too fast. Its still understandable. This was a really interesting book. I loved it! (5/5)


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