Chapter 2: Crush...

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The brunette boy sat on the chair, shifting uncomfortably. He didn't have much appetite, but he knew Draco had, so he came up with a plan. He looked up to Dudley who just ate and ate. He turned his gaze to Aunt Petunia who was doing the dessert for Dudley of course and the to uncle Vernon who slept in his armchair.

Slowly but quickly Harry took a bread and slipped it into his pocket. He had a smug smile on his face as he started to eat. He ate the whole plate and felt like he was going to puke, but didn't. He stood up, carried the plate to the sink and hurried to his room. He opened the door and quickly coming in he closed it.

Draco was laying on Harry's bed, but got up quckly. Harry gave Draco a small smile and sat on his chair.

"You must be starving." He said and took the bread up from his pocket. He looked at Draco and then back to the bread. "Eat, or you'll starv." He gave the ferret a serious look as he handed the piece of bread to Draco who came closer and snatched the bread of his hands. He sat down to the side of the bed, he gave Harry a thankful look before he started to dig into the food of his.

Harry sighed and looked at Draco. How did the Slytherin get himself into this kinda mess? "I think you'll be able to transform into your human form in two months or so." He said, getting Draco's attention from the bread.

Harry stood up and carefully sat on his bed. "Professor McGonagall isn't gonna appreciate it if I'd use magic to turn you to- well, you, and I could get expelled. So we'll have to wait." Draco shot Harry a quick glare before he continued on his food. "I even don't know any good spells. And potions take so long."

Dudley punched the door. "Hey cousin, me and my friends have something for you." Harry quickly shooed Draco under the pillows with the bread. He sat on his bed, looking as the locked door cracked open, revealing Dudley and his 'gang'.

"Hey, Harry." One of them sneered. The other two laughed. Dudley pulled Harry up from the bed quite harshly. Dudley's eyes were lightened up with flames.

"Where is my pet?" He spat to Harry's face. Harry looked at the boy with straight face and didn't say anything. "Where is it?!" Dudley yelled. One of his minions gave him a blade. "Tell me where it is or I'll destroy your things." He snapped and grabbed the wand from Harry's table. Harry gasped.

"No! Stop!" Harry looked horrified as the blade was close to cutting the wand. Dudley was smug.

"Now, if you tell me where it is, you can have your toys back." He threw the wand to one of his minions.

Draco had looked at the situation behind the pillows. The other boys made him want to hiss. How could they do that to Harry?

"There's few things I want you to know Dudley. One:" Harry paused. "He's not it. It's he. He's a boy."

Draco's little animal eyes widened. Harry Potter was defending him?

"Two: I want this back" Harry continued and walked over one of the minions, named Gordon and grabbed his wand back. Dudley glared at him. "And three: leave." Harry commanded.

Draco could hear the brand new tone in the brunette boy's voice. It was fearless and demanding. He quite liked it. Wait what? Draco asked himself.

Dudley scoffed and turned around. "Let's go." Gordon pushed Harry a bit, that he fell to the floor and hit his hand.

Few minutes later Dudley and his gang were out. Harry groaned as he moved his hand. Draco had came out of his hiding place. He felt bad for the poor boy. What am I thinking? I hate Potter. He shook his tiny head and jumped off the bed. He let out a small squeak and ran to Harry.

"What now Malfoy- ow" Harry whined. "Come on. Laugh at me with that mouth of yours." Draco frowned. As if he would laugh. He knew he would've laughed if there was something to laugh at, but this wasn't a thing to do so. He saw a tear forming into the green eyes of Potter.

"C-come on-" Harry couldn't finish his sentence. The ferret had climbed up on the chair beside him and jumped to Harry's shoulder. The fur of Draco, brushed against Harry's cheek. His eyes widened as he felt the soft animal on his face. "What a-are you doing..?" He asked in a quiet voice.

Draco stopped. Yeah? What am I doing?

"It.. Feels nice?" Harry blurted out suddenly. The tears in his eyes were dried off and now his eyes stared at Draco.

Maybe I have feelings for him..? So what? Draco thought. He responded to Harry's stare with a small smile and settled down to the shoulder of his crush. Crush...

The moonlight reflected in Harry's emerald green eyes as he sat down to his bed, facing his window. "Draco..?" Draco looked up to him, tired. "Do you hate me? Or I mean- are we enemies?"

Draco stayed silent for a while, but raised his head up and looked into Harry's eyes. If I could speak, you could know everything. I hate you, but I might like you.

Harry nodded. "Ok.. Are we even like friends?" He whispered. Draco nodded slowly, gaining a smile from Harry.

Draco closed his eyes and yawned. Harry chuckled. "Tired much?" He knew Draco was, so he carefully picked him up and put him down to the bed.

Draco relaxed, but opened his eyes to see what Harry was doing. He let out a squeak as he saw Harry, shirtless in front of him. "What, do I look that bad, Malfoy?" Harry chuckled wiping the tiny tear streaks off his face. Draco had to admit, Harry was good looking.

Draco looked down to avoid eye contact with Harry. When Harry had rejected his handshake, he felt broken a bit. So he decided to get this boy's attention every time he could. In third year he had thought about his sexuality. He had denied his crush on Potter, but never realized that he'd been bullying him because he liked the boy. Part of him wanted to stop, but part of him was cunning and sly, Slytherin kinda part.

Harry laid down on the bed and sighed. Draco sifted a bit closer to the boy. He looked at Harry's hand. A bruise. Harry shot his eyes open as he felt a wet thing on his hand. He turned to look at Draco, who was licking his hand. Harry somehow blushed, but Draco didn't see it in the dark. After licking Harry's hand — a bit awkwardly — Draco felt Harry's hand on his fur.

"Thanks Malfoy..." He could hear Harry mutter under his breath, before falling deep asleep.

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