Chapter 14: Herbology

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"Hey." Harry said, a bit awkwardly. Draco stayed silent for a moment but then decided to speak.

"Hi." was all he could say. They stared at eachother for a while. For Harry's surprise, the collar he had given Draco, was still on the boy's neck. He cracked a smile and laughed. Draco answered to that with raising a brow.

"The collar. It's still on you." the brunette chocked out. Draco flushed red and bit his lip. Harry's laugh was driving him out of the universe, he couldn't handle the adorableness.

"Uh. Sorry." suddenly Harry's laughter stopped. He eyed Harry as the boy lowered his wand now fully away and sat on his bed.

"What do you mean 'Sorry'?" Harry mentally slapped himself for saying that. Draco looked down to the floor and then gazed back to Harry.

"I mean- sorry for all the things I've done to you for the past four bloody years." a smile formed to Harry's face.

"It's okay, Draco." the boy sighed. "Now, would you mind to tell me how did-" Harry pointed at the collar Draco was wearing. "this ferret thing happen?" Draco nodded awkwardly and sat down to Harry's bed to face the scar headed boy.

"I came home like always, as in the Malfoy Manor. My father and mother were there and just ignored me. They probably were fighting." surprisingly Draco felt so open as he told Harry those things. "I got to my room, told the elves to make me dinner or whatever I wanted. Then I remember a week of plain normal hanging around the manor and playing Quidditch." he continued. "Then, I had this odd moment with my mother. She told about how there were witches and wizards coming for us and destroying everything. Don't know what that means." Harry looked at the blonde boy in front of him.

"Then how did it happen? A spell? A potion- oh sorry I'm asking too much questions." Harry shook his head. Draco smiled and Harry noticed it. He noticed many things. He noticed that Draco was a bit tense but the smile he gave him. It was a true smile. Draco's blond hair had gone a bit more fluffier - or it looked like it had.

"I remember my mother telling me a poem I think." Harry saw as Draco stuffed his pale hand on his pocket and took a parchment out of it. His eyes widened as he read it in his mind. "Hate leaves ugly scars; love leaves beautiful ones."

They both fell in silence, but Harry then cut it. "We're late." he stood up and mentally slapped himself - once again. "I mean we skipped and you've been somewhere-" he stopped. "we need to think of an explanation for your-"

"I can handle it, Potter." Draco said and stood up, smiling. Harry shiged and melted to the smile.

"You know, you have a lovely smile." Draco felt his cheeks heat up and heart jump. Harry gulped. "It's weird, I know."

"Thank you." Draco responded, with a bit of a slight blush from earlier still on his cheeks. "But we should really go." Harry stood up and looked out of the dorms.

"The way is clear." he said as he peeked back.


Draco walked down the dungeons and saw the Slytherin dorms there. Quickly he slid in and changed on his school robes. He put the parchment to his pocket and then ran back to the last class of the day, Herbology with Gryffindor.

"Mister Finch-Fletchley! Come back here now!" Draco frowned as the Hufflepuff boy ran past him and not even a dozen seconds after, Mrs Sprout ran past him too. But before he could react-

"Draco!" he was embraced by Pansy and few others. "Where were you?" The jumpy girl asked.

"I was with my father, business and stuff." Draco said indifferently. Nott huffed. "What's up with you?" The blonde asked, knowing exactly the answer to his question.

Nott sneered. "Potter, have you heard? He's got a ferret now, probably to make fun of you." Draco smiled and Crabbe's eyes widened. He pointed at Draco.

"You're smiling?" Draco's smile cut off with his glare to Crabbe.

"I'm happy at the moment. Can't I be?" he sassed back at the boy. Goyle looked as confused as Crabbe. Few feet away from them, were Millicent and Blaise. They saw Draco and came to say hello.

They all got to the class and the first who caught Draco's attention was Harry. "Hey Potter! Where's your smelly ferret?" Nott laughed. Draco rolled his eyes and grabbed a book and hit him on top of his head. Nott whined and glanced at Draco, confused as he heard Harry burst out laughing across the classroom. Mrs Sprout came back and apologized.

"The Venomous Tentacula is a green, spiky, toothsome plant with mobile vines that try to grab living prey. Venomous Tentacula expels venom from its shoots, and its spikes are deadly. Its bite is highly venomous and can easily stun or kill. Its juice is also a less than lethal poison." she explained. Draco groaned and glanced away because he wasn't keen on herbology so much.

His attention dropped on the other Slytherin boys who were snickering at something. Draco raised his brow again and turned to them. "What's so funny?" he asked.

Pansy pointed at the boys across the classroom — as in Ron and Harry — who were frightened as a plant had growled at them. Harry's emerald eyes had shot open as the plant had gone crazy and a squeak from Ron's direction had been heard. "They are so scared!" the brown haired Slytherin girl sniggered. Draco shot Harry a glance and laughed evilly, yet in amusement.

"Shut up, Malfoy..." Harry groaned and cleaned his robes. Ron glared at Draco and let out a sneer. Draco did his best sneer to answer the Weasel and half smirked.

"What's he doing back here?" he could hear the Weasel spitting out. He quickly caught Harry's eyes and let his lips curve up. He could easily just sneer and crack his face to the Weasley boy, but not to his crush, Harry freaking Potter.

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