Chapter 17: Aren't you right handed?

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"And as the potion is brewing, you have to wait 28 days that the potion is-" the Potions classroom's door shot opend and interrupted Snape. "Ah, Mister Malfoy. Where were you, these past few months?"

Draco gulped as he felt all of the eyes around the class being glued to him. "I- I was with my mother." Snape's expression didn't change even a bit.

"Well, sit down." a few boo's were heard from Gryffindors because Snape didn't take any points off of Slytherin.

Draco sat down to the only seat what was free. Sitting down, he glared at the person beside him, Vane. He made his normal sneering face and picked up his books. As Snape continued the lesson, Draco noticed that Harry and the Weasel were on the seats in front if them. He couldn't take his eyes off of Harry. But neither did Romilda.

The girl shof her hand up. "Yes, Miss Vane?" Snape asked. Romilda smirked, her curly brown hair loosening on her.

"Professor, could I please change the seat with-" she hesitated. "Crabbe." Draco sighed in relief — although he didn't mind being paired with Harry at all.

Snape sneered at once but then looked at Draco, who was glaring at Romilda more than ever. "Of course." Crabbe moved towards him as Romilda picked her things up and marched to Crabbe's seat.


Draco ran out of sthe door and sprinted down the corridor to hide. He might have knocked few students down but he didn't care.

In a moment, Draco inhaled deeply and a tiny flash came from behind the corner where he was.

Draco peeked from the corner and then felt a poke on his side. It was Chelsea. He stared at her as she picked him up. She didn't talk. Draco felt frightened as she just looked at him with her cold bright blue eyes.


"Chelsea! Silver!" Chelsea immediately dropped the ferret as she saw Harry running to them. Draco ran straight to Harry and climbed on the boy's shoulders. "Hey Chels are you ok? I saw that-"

Chelsea waved at him and tutnrd around. A minute later, she was nowhere to be seen.

"What was that all about?" Harry muttered. Draco held onto Harry like he'd fall. The girl was weird, no doubt. And she nearly said his name? How? 

A slight huff made him snap out of the daze and turn his head towards the boy who's shoulders he was on. He met Harry's green glowing eyes.

"Let's go. Next we have a break and then Charms with Ravenclaw." Draco nodded and breathed out. He was ready to take one class due the fact that he could transform twice in a day — all thanks to Harry. But he had to keep the other transformation in case if something would happen.

The sounds of students running around in the corridors echoed as Harry passed the Charms classroom. Draco frowned as Harry quickly began to look around. He poked the boy on his stupid cheek, it was soft though.

Harry glared at him as he took his wand out and held it on his left hand carefully. Why in the bloody hell would you hold your wand at your left hand, Potter, you stupid idiot. Aren't you right handed?

Draco shot his eyes more open and jumped that his face was in Harry's neck as something next to him made a heavy cracking sound. He felt Harry walk quite quickly into a new room. Slowly, he raised his head up from the warmth of Harry and looked at the room, wide eyed.

"Nice, huh?" Harry chuckled as Draco's eyes landed on every single thing in the room. The big room was made of mirroring wall and beige stone — like the whole castle. The glass windows glowed in the colors of blue and light gray. Draco's tiny jaw had opened as he looked at the room. "The room of requirement, the place where Dumbledore's Army meets."

Draco looked at Harry as if he was asking a question. Harry somehow knew what he was going to ask if the blonde boy would be in his human body.

"I have few minutes before others are coming." Harry said, placing his wand back to his pocket. "Remember when I was gone between the Charms classes?" Draco nodded. "I was here, teaching others how to use magic. We're an army. Dumbledore's Army. Neville was the one who found it, I teach here, Hermione and Ron were the ones with me working on this army and Ginny helped with the name." he explained. Draco's eyes lit up, but the fact that she-Weasel would be here made him sneer inside. Harry was teaching others how to use magic? He would love that. But a fact did it's way back in Draco's head; he was a ferret, a cursed ferret.

Suddenly Harry kneeled down and put Draco down. Draco — sitting on the floor — looked as Harry smiled widely and twirled. "Draco, isn't this amazing?" he felt Harry's soft words go straight in his heart and melting him down. Only thing he could do was stare.

"Harry?" it was Susan Bones. Harry smiled and looked the two boys behind her. Zacharias Smith and Justin Finch-Fletchley. The Hufflepuff trio walked in and after them, Dean and Seamus bolted in. Soon enough, the whole army was there.


A spell spun down and Draco almost shrieked at it, but didn't get the chance as the spell 'Silencio' had hit him.

"Oh sorry! Quietus." the Weasel said so quickly he couldn't do anything. If he'd be in his human form, he'd make sure not to cast any spells on him or even do any spells near him. But he wasn't, so he decided to bark and walk away.

Harry walked to Luna. "It's going great." he pointed at his wand at Ron and before Ron could react, Harry shouted. "Obscuro!" a blindfolded Ron yelped and backed down. He quickly removed the blindfold and let out a laugh.

"Oi, good one, mate!"

Draco ran up to Harry and hit him in his leg. "Exp- wha-?" Harry held his wand down to his side again. "Hello there." he smiled and took the furious ferret to his shoulders. "Don't be so grumpy. It's Charms next, remember?" Draco just huffed and gave the final glare to Ginny as the Weasel girl was facing Parvati, wands ready. But their attention moved to the door as they heard a cracking sound and the door opened. There was Romilda.

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