Chapter 19: Heartbreak

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Draco looked at Theo. "Yeah, I guess I am. Is it bad?" he cocked his eyebrow as he spoke, clearly annoyed of his friends' reactions to him being happy. Blaise smiled.

"No, it's nice when you're happy like this." Pansy stared at Blaise.

"But he's a Slytherin. He can't be like a Hufflepuff." Draco huffed and gritted his teeth, probably used to do that in his ferret form.

"I heard that and I do not act like a Hufflepuff, for your information." he scoffed and looked around. Not much had changed, just few things. The curtains in the windows to the Black Lake were changed, in Draco's opinion, the earlier curtains were more stylish.

"But Draco, you can't believe this; Professor Lupin wants me to host a dueling club! But that's not all - with Potter!" Theodore sneered. Of course Draco already knew the information but acted like he didn't.

"With Potter? That's just idiotic."

"Exactly!" the jet brown haired boy coughed out.


Draco looked at the clock every second he could. The clock was ten to eleven and the spell would give up in any minute now. "Guys, I have to go." he stood up and so did Pansy.

"But you just got here." she whined. Theodore shook his head.

"Draco, listen, it's not really like you to just leave us. Nor the disappearing from classes, being out of school for months and your behavior." he shoved his hand to Draco's way as the blonde was walking out.

"Let me go." Draco said quickly, but getting no move from Theodore, he grabbed the boy's hand and pushed it down. "I said: let me go." he stated clearly - panicking inside.

"Dray, what's gotten into you?" Pansy frowned, brushing her hair with her hands.

"Bye." Draco said and ran to the door but before he could open it, a spell was casted in the door. Draco sighed in frustration. "Theo, this is a childish spell, grow up. Alohamora." and then he exited the common room. He knew he didn't have much tome left, so he pulled the invisibility cloak on and started to run before the spell would wear off.


The Gryffindor common room was dark, only some of the boys' laughs could make their way to the empty room. Draco had slid in and then felt his body form into the ferret for of his. He felt the cloak on him, still.

"Shh. It's okay." Draco shot down but then remembered that no one couldn't see him. But the voice, the voice belonged to the Gryffidor prefect. A Weasley.

Percy was leaning on a wall with another person, hugging them. Draco licked his lips what had formed a sly smirk. He padded quietly to the Weasley but backed up as the two moved away from the wall.

"But Percy, what if someone catches us? What if that someone is going to tell Madame Hooch or-?" Draco's breath hitched. Wood. Oliver Wood stood in front of Percy Weasley. Crying?

"No, stop it. No one's going to do so." Percy shushed. A slight panicking mode got into Draco as he saw the Weasley boy giving a small peck on Wood's lips. "Let's sleep." and with that Draco ran up the stairs with the invisibility cloak on.

He bursted into the dorms, getting all of the boys' attention. The invisibility cloak slid off of him and he stared at them.

"Silver?" Dean called. Harry stood up from the chair he'd been sitting on and slowly bent down to the ferret.

"You're shaking." Harry's warm hands ran through Draco's fur and once again it felt like heaven, but now the tiny animal was in shock. He'd saw Percy Weasley and Oliver Wood kissing. How? Why? But a larger thought ran in his head; if they're gay it's probably okay to me to be like them, right?

Harry picked him up and felt the ferret shiver. He hummed softly something and then walked back to the chair. "Now, we can continue on... Whatever we were talking about, Ron?"

"The Yule Ball. Dates, anyone?" Seamus looked away. Neville nodded his head. He'd be going there with Luna. Harry shrugged, scratching the back of Draco's ear, making the little fur ball purr. "Not even you, Harry?"

"No. Haven't thought about it. Too busy." he answered straight out and glued his eyes on Draco.

"You know why is that, Harry?" Ron huffed. "You don't notice how many girls there are drooling all over you. You just don't." Harry had quietly made his gaze move from Draco to Ron.

"I just don't like any of them, Ron. Or I love them of course like fans and stuff but-" Harry thought about Draco in his lap. "I think I have found someone." Draco's heart sunk. But they heard a thump behind them.

"You have?" Colin asked, rubbing his forehead and standing up. He had walked into the poll of his bed. Harry nodded. "Oh, who is it?" Colin seemed tense, but Harry seemed to tense more than he did. Draco of course sensed it and with his broken heart, he hopped off of the Golden Boy. How could he? How could he possibly fall for his enemy? And get heartbroken by him. How in the bloody hell could he? The head boy, The Boy Who Lived, The Golden Boy, Harry Potter liked someone else. He didn't love Draco.

As Draco had gone under the pillow, Harry laid down on his bed and said good night's to his friends. Draco could feel Harry's hair next to him. He crawled out of his hiding place and saw Harry, staring at the wall and just laying there. Draco slowly made his way to Harry's neck and made the boy jump a bit, but then relax as he suffed his nead on Harry's neck. He needed this. Right now, he needed this. Whether it was Harry who broke his heart or someone else, he needed Harry's cuddles.


"Wake up, you prat." Harry laughed as he looked the sleepy ferret, hugging his arm. Draco instantly shot up and felt the blush spread across his face. Then the reality hit him. Harry didn't-

"Hey. Transform I want to talk." Draco did as he was told and closed his eyes. In few seconds he was back in his human form.

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