Chapter 15: Peeves

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Harry flashed his charming smile back at Draco, that no one saw and turned around to work. Draco -instead of working - zoned out. What if he told Harry how he felt? And the note. Did his mother know?

Calmly he shoved Nott out of his seat and sat on it, leaving Nott staring dumbfounded at him. After Theodore had stared a moment at him, he turned around and looked the boy.

"Get me an apple." Draco said and as if he didn't even listen Nott whining, he turned around on the desk and started to play with his fingers. Pansy stared at his hands.

"Why in the name of Merlin are you doing that?" Parkinson asked. "Actually." she straightened her sleeves. "Why in the name of Merlin are you like this?" Draco looked up at her, his hand underneath his chin, leaning on the desk.

"What? I'm like this? What do you mean?" he spat on her face. Pansy shook her head and then nodded. Draco suddenly felt his teeth bite on his tongue. He winced and stood on his feet. Pansy watched as he screeched in pain. Draco's teeth were suddenly sharp and longer, but smaller. He opened his eyes for a couple of seconds and saw the golden trio and actually the whole class staring at him. He whined and turned around. He quickly began to run out.

Silence fell to the room as Draco exited it. Only few Gryffindors mumbled something. The small light what was left from the autumnal sun, reflected Harry's look on the glass wall.

He suddenly stood up and excused himself out. Ron and Hermione looked extremely confused as Harry left them. The freckled boy glanced at Hermione.

"What the bloody hell was that?" he inquiried, but his gaze then landed on Scabbers Jr and Crookshanks. "Oh no." in a second he felt the two animals on his face, falling to the floor.


Harry ran through the halls of Hogwarts, however not finding Draco. He whisper-yelled out the boy's name and got no answer. His breath clutched as he saw a white fur ball on he floor. He stopped walking and kneeled down.

"Oh Merlin... This wasn't supposed to happen." he picked the fur ball up, showing the face of Draco in his animal form. He whined and jumped on Harry's shoulder. "I'm going to get you back to your human form, Draco, I promise."

Harry walked down the corridor back to the Herbology class, but stopped as he heard a crash. Draco groaned and nuzzled on Harry's neck. Harry slowly took his wand out and looked around.

"Harry Potter!" a good known voice said flattery.

"Peeves." Harry turned around and saw the Hogwarts' poltergeist grinned as floating in the midair. His grin was the clowniest expression ever and a bit scary. "What do you want?" Harry asked. Draco sneered.

"I've heard about this pet of yours." Peeves said and flew closer. Draco hissed at him but backed up as the poltergeist's face came closer.

"Leave him alone." Harry said, full of courage. Draco had this utter heart melting as he saw Harry standing up for him once again.

Peeves laughed. "We'll see, we'll see." he jolted up and vanished.


"Harry!" Hermione yelped as she opened the Herbology classroom's door to the boy, Crookshanks in her arms. "Where did you go? The class is over in few minutes."

Draco rested his head against Harry's neck and sighed as Harry pointed at him. "I might have seen Silver wandering around the castle and found him." the boy said. Granger stuffed a book to Harry's hand and leaded him back to their places.

The class finally ended and the Slytherins all leaved to Quidditch practices and some other activities and Gryffindors did the same. But Draco was less interested in those than changing back to a human.

Harry sprinted back to their dorms and quickly got the book from his bag. He spread all his stuff to the bed and the laid the brown book on his bag, opening it on the right page. He studied it few more minutes and sighed frustratedly.

"Harry!" Hermione called. She was waiting him on the beginning of the stairs up to the boy's dorms. "We're going to study for our OWLs." Harry snapped his fingers and ran down.

"Wait." he said and grabbed her hand. "I have a question. For our OWLs." Hermione nodded, smiling. "If a human is turned to an animal and someone tries to turn it back with a transfiguration spell, done properly but not working, why is it like that?" full of interest, Hermione bit her lip.

"It could be a curse, the spell could have a minimum amount of control to break a tiny hole to the curse and work somehow." she said and then glanced at the boy in front of her nose. "I don't think that's going to be in our OWLs so don't worry about it." little did she know that Harry wasn't able not to worry about it.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to study here. And thanks." he said and gave her a smile. Hermione answered the smile with a wave of her hand and left.

Harry saw the common room's door close and then he hurried back to the dormitories. The red and golden pieces of furniture were placed cleanly on every side of the room, again. The house elves were probably cleaning the dorms as he was down. He saw Draco looking out of the dorms to the Quidditch pitch. The white ferret looked peaceful, so Harry left him alone and made his way to the bed and took some books out. He felt like he couldn't concentrate on the Charms book, so he took out a Potions book and started to study.

Potions was like snatching the snitch from a dementor, for Harry. He grunted and fell backwards to his bed. How did Draco know so much about potions? He thought as his mind drifted away from the books.

Draco was always Snape's favorite student. And Harry the least. Draco aleays knew when to add the mistletoe berries and all ingredients to the potion they were brewing. Somehow Draco had again took control of Harry's mind and wandered in it.

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