Chapter 18: Thoughts

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The classes had been boring for Draco, so he spent the classes thinking about everything and rolling around in Harry's hands, feeling very happy. His feelings, his family, his friends. Although he had ton of thoughts in his head, he could just think few of them over and over. One of them was that; why in the Salazar's name would Chelsea say his name and how did she know it was him?

Few other things in his mind popped up, for an example: Harry's eyes. His stupid eyes, but adorable. The way his hand moves as he uses his wand and the way his head tilts a bit down and right as he looks at someone. The blackish glasses on his cute nose and the pink lovable annoying lips what let all the insults and compliments out. But could he be like Draco himself was? Could he like him back? What would his father and mother say if he told his love for the great Harry Potter, The Golden Boy, The Boy Who Lived?


"She's completely mental!" the sound of the Weasel made Draco zone back into the reality. "And how would we know where the bloody hell Malfoy is?!" the redhead raved. You basically know where I am, you Weasel.

Draco finally jumped off of Harry's shoulders and stretched his legs. The common room was full of people so he stayed on Harry's lap.

"You decided to get off me now, after six hours? Thanks." Harry muttered in a sarcastic way and rubbed his shoulder. Draco sent him a half glare and smile.

Ron shook his head. "Harry, mate, have you been thinking about the Yule Ball?" Harry shot his gaze to the freckled boy.

"Oh." in fact, he hadn't. All the studying and being with Draco had killed his time to really think about the fact that he'd have to find a date for the ball. "Not a bit." he stated simply, moving his hand in front of Draco to get his attention - which he got really easily.

"You have to get a date. I have a date. Hermione. She's bloody awesome isn't she? Oh, and I've heard that they'll have much more food there. And that-" Ron's words sunk to Harry's ears as he felt the fur tickling his palms. He could feel a slight purr and the ferret's nose on his hand. And then, he felt something warm on his face. The blood ran inside his head rapidly as he felt the ferret purr and then stop.

He couldn't think of Draco Malfoy purring. That made him flushing red. He felt as the animal hopped down to the floor and leaved him. A cold breeze of loneliness washed over him. He felt like - he had felt it few times before - as he had woken up without Draco. It was hard to get it. What he was feeling. But Harry had figured it out; he liked Draco.


Harry's feet moved on and on as he walked up to the dormitories. He opened the door and got in.

"I'm goi-"

"Bloody hell, Draco!" Harry squealed and jumped an inch backwards. "You scared the living world out of me." Harry breathed out deeply, earning a grin from the blonde boy. "And what are you doing in your human form?"

"As I was saying." Draco continued and picked up Harry's invisibility cloak. "I'm going to the Slytherin dorms. My friends are probably worried as a Niffler of its gold." Harry raised his brow.

"Really? A Niffler?"

"Yes, now what do you think?"

"I think that your plan is: sneaking out after curfew with my cloak and not getting caught?" Draco nodded. "You remember, that the spell-"

"Only is for an hour. I remember, no reason to defend me again, Potter." the platinum eyed boy rejoined, then locked eyes with Harry, skipping a heartbeat. "T-thanks." he stuttered. Harry chuckled.

"For what?"

"For defending me all those times. When that muggle and his friends tried to own me and- sorry. I started rambling." Harry was quite surprised. He didn't see this Draco everyday. This Draco, shy, cute and so emotional.

"It's okay. Now go or I'll push you down the stairs." he grinned. Draco turned around and then stopped walking as he heard Harry speak. "Draco, be careful."

"Yeah. I'll be, Potter."


The young Slytherin pulled his wand out, sneaking into the dark dungeons. He casted a spell and in a second, there was a small light on the tip of his wand. He walked to the Slytherin common room's door and whispered the password. Finally he got in and took the invisibility cloak off, putting it into his bag.

"Draco!" he was greeted by Pansy with a small hug. "What were you doing out? It's past curfew- okay whatever, how are you?" he looked over Pansy's shoulder and saw Blaise and Theodore coming but then Pansy's black and brown hair blocked the view.

"Hey, Pans, move." Theo pushed the girl out of the way. "Draco, where were you? And I swear I'll kill Potter if-"

"Drop it Theo, I swear I was with my mum. Business things." Pansy's dark brown eyes lit up.

"Was it something to do with You-Know-Who?" she was now shaking her hands in excitement. Draco didn't like the way his friends reacted to Voldemort - except Blaise. Blaise was really the best of his fellow Slytherins. Blaise didn't support Voldemort either, but their families made it very difficult to not interact with Dark Magic.

"No. Pansy, it wasn't." he looked at Blaise. "Hey Blaise." the boy waved and gave him a smile. Draco could hear Flint raging at some Quidditch team players and it made him think if Harry played Quidditch so much anymore. But he leaved the thought of that and moved out to the sofas.

"So, care to tell me what I've missed?" he laughed, getting odd looks from his friends. "What?" he spat, frowning.

"You haven't been this happy since- I don't know." Theodore pointed out. Pansy nodded in agreement and Blaise - who had seen Draco this happy last time he was in Potions class with Crabbe - stayed silent.

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