10 - Uncontrollable Events

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So what happened next not even all the stars in the galaxy couldn't even predict. Roberto's reflection is starting to haunt me. At every twist and turn, I would see glimpses of my living nightmare. Sending me into an outright panic so bad that I hyperventilate, to a point where I can almost pass out.

What is happening to me? Do I really see him or is it my mind playing tricks on me? Therein is the real question. I try and ignore it as I go about doing my work around this massive city. Joe is spending the weekend with me and Bella. It is so nice and what was a happy surprise was when he called me his girlfriend in front of that fat guy that wouldn't take a hint to leave me alone.

Joe and I got to my apartment after we drove off to get his weekend bag from his place. We got home and Bella was on the phone. She ordered Chinese for delivery, Joe got settled in my room while I quickly run down to our mailbox in the lobby to grab our mail.

I got in our post box grab the handful of envelopes close the little door and when I turned around I looked straight at my living nightmares eyes as he stares at me from across the street. I just grip the mail so tightly to my chest as a panic grip me all over again. I bolt up the stairs two stairs at a time. I got to my floor and ran like the "flash" down the hall and into my apartment. I slam the door shut and deadbolt it, as I lean against the door for support while trying to catch my breath.

'Babe? You okay?' Joe asked jogging my way. I could only shake my head trying to catch my breath.

'No love. I think I am going mad, I've been seeing glimpses of a nightmare from my past for the past two days.' I confessed and Bella got off the phone.

'Come come and sit angel. I will not let him lay a finger on you. I will kill him myself for what he did to you.' Joe, bless your heart. I sat with my hands in my silky hair.

'What is going on? What nightmare?' Bella asked. I took her phone from her hand and called mom up. We talked intensely for a good ten to fifteen minutes as our Chinese arrived. Mom wanted to speak to Bella so I hand the phone back to Bella. Joe just held me to him in his protective arms. I really do feel so safe with him.

Joe later let go of me and got our dinner on plates. I lost my appetite completely. I ate about three bites then store my dinner in the fridge under a cover. I sat back down next to Joe while he ate. Some movie is on in the background but I just sat staring in front of me. Joe's phone rang and he steps away to talk to the caller quickly leaving me staring mindlessly at the rug in the living room.

Mom and Bella are still on the phone. Joe ends his call and joined me on the couch again. He looked at me I can feel his worried eyes on me. Come on Dassah snap out of it! I yelled at myself internally.  I wipe away tears I didn't know was there as I turn my attention back to Joe. He cleared his plate than with a quick wipe of his mouth on a paper napkin he took my hand and pulled me into him.

'Hey, it is going to be okay. I won't let him touch you. Maybe we should all go to my place.'

'No, Joe. You have enough to deal with in a day than to take on my old problems to. We're not taking it to your place.'

'Please. I can protect you and Bella much better there than here.' I sat thinking of his offer and mom is still talking to Bella that's been listening to mom while she silently cries into a handful of kleenex. They hung up after almost an hour on the phone. Bella grabbed me and hugged me so tightly to her.

'I am so sorry this happened to you sussa. I also get it why you never told me.' She spoke drying more of her tears.

'I am sorry. It is just too painful to talk about and now with my hallucinations or it might be real I don't know. Anyhow Joe wants us to be safe at his place till we can be sure it is Roberto.' I let Bella know. She looked from me to Joe who held me to him.

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