14 - Working

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I'm in Los Vegas for fourteen days. Fourteen days that includes two photoshoots and a weekend-long appearance for Bodybuilding dot com. But that is only in five days from now. It is Monday around one PM here in the desert.

Andrew drove us up the strip to Planet Hollywood. Charlie one of the other four of my security opened my car door for me when we got to the venue slash hotel and there were already fans of mine here. Bella and my security stood patiently waiting for me to finish interacting with my fans.

Most of them are girls in their late teen's early twenties big Victoria Secret admirers. Then there were NASCAR guy fans. Selfies all over and just inside the doors were reporters. Andrew and the others stepped in here as they got me to reception and I book all of us in and Joe clearly upgraded our rooms. We now have the presidential suite. Because I distinctly know that Bella only booked three double rooms for the six of us. Oh, Joe. The bellboy got our luggage on a large trolley and we head on up to our suite.

We got settled and Bella is sharing a room with me since there is only three-room in this suite. Afterward, we go over this two weeks schedule with my security again. We did go over it on the jet heading over here but a few small things changed while we were in the air.

So not it is almost two PM and I have an OB-Gyn appointment at a hospital not too far from the hotel. So we drove there and we head inside. We sat waiting to be called. Bella and the guys hung back as I head into the doctor's office alone.

'Mrs. Manganiello. Thank you for coming.'

'Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.'

'No problem. How can I help you, ma'am?'

'Well doctor, let me quickly tell you my story in short because it can be very long.'

'Okay.' She spoke and sat listening to me as I told her my rape story and my miscarriage at a young age.

'So the reason why I am here is to find out if I will be able to have kids of my own or not.'

'We have tests we can perform to see the condition of the womb and the viability of your eggs.'

'Good, when can we do it?'

'May I have a look at you first to see and we can work from there once I have a clearer idea of what we are dealing with.' She asked.

'Of course.' She showed me to her bed and did an ultrasound than with a camera up in my business and another ultrasound of my ovaries. She did take a biopsy of my uterus when she was in there. In a test tube with my name on the label, it will be sent off to the lab and will have results of it back by next week Monday.

The six of us left the doctors office and started to work the fitness community. We hit a couple if Crossfit gyms and the people's faces were rewarding enough to me. We got to four Crossfit gyms and one Niello Gym. Once we got the order from the Niello gym we also started to work out there.

Fans came round and I sold my exercise programmes to them and made a few extra dollars. After our intense workouts, we drove back to Planet Hollywood and gone to our room where dinner was waiting for us in our suite. We all sat around the dining table talking and eating. This is all Joe's doing.

I got on the phone with my husband and it was his doing. I finish my dinner and go off to the bathroom and took a nice bubble bath. It felt so nice. I later wash, got out and got dressed for bed. Bella was watching some TV with Andrew and the guys. I called Joe to say good night.

'This is Joe.'

'Hey, handsome. I miss you.'

'I miss you too baby. I wish you were here so you can meet my brother. He's in New York for so kind of work conference.'

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