28 - Hadassah Manganiello

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I came to in hospital as a nurse walked in to take the readings of the machines I was hooked up to and she wrote it in my chart. 


'Mrs. Manganiello welcome back. How are you feeling?' She asked me. 

'I still feel strange. How are my babies?' I asked her.

'Doctor McTavis, gave you an injection to stop your premature labor pains ma'am and put you on immediate bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy.'

'My husband...' I asked her.

'Mr. Manganiello is right over here. His surgery was a success. The bullet has done some damage to his leg but his doctors did a great job and he will make a full recovery.'

'Thank the heavens.' I said looking from her to where Joe lay, still out from his surgery he had. How the hell was that mad man with the gun? I was Zach and he had Lola in her stroller. She's sleeping. He steers her stroller into our room.

'Morning Mrs. Manganiello.'

'Morning Zach. Please, how many times do I have to tell you it's Dassah.'

'Sorry, Dassah. How are you feeling today?'

'Still a bit funny. The nurse said Joe's surgery was a success, that is great news.'

'Yes, it is.'

'Zach who was that man of yesterday?'

'His name was Brad. He was the CEO of the houseboat company that manufactured that boat haul with the zillion holes in the haul. Joe withdrew his contract after he asked Brad to fix the problem and again they produced an even worse product than the first. After that Joe terminated his contract with Brad's company and took his business elsewhere. So yesterday Brad came to seek revenge because he went bankrupt and blamed Joe for it.'

'So now his demand to ten million dollars make sense.' I said sitting up.

'Yes. Then after he shot Joe, Brad and I struggled on the floor as I tried to took the weapon from Brad he pulled the trigger and he shot himself in the stomach and he was instantly killed.' Zach explained.

'Goodness. Are you okay Zach, you're not shot in the process to right?'

'Aside from a few bruises from the struggle I am more than fine, thank you for your concern.'

'Of course, I have to worry about you my friend you are more than family at this stage to all of us.'

'I also see the Manganiello, like family.' Zach smiled tiredly.

'Good. Now I hope Lola has been behaving?'

'Yes, she has. She did however been looking for you earlier this morning but with a nice warm bottle of formula, she went right back to sleep. I have contacted your families and they will all be here once the sun comes up.'

'How late is it then?' I asked him as he lay Lola in my arms.

'It is only 4:09 AM, now.' He answered as he gave me another blanket to cover Lola with. 

'Oh, I see. Make sense. Being on meds can throw time somewhat sometimes.' He just nods his head as I look at Lola sleeping in my arms. She has grown so much. Finally, I feel like all the threats are finally over for all of us, and we can finally live like we should have from the start without fear for one's safety all the time. With my past threats and Joe's future threats out of the way, we can finally be a family with our coming twins. I looked from Lola to a still sleeping Joe and know we are all going to be okay.

Lola woke up and just looked at me and I looked at her. She really does look more and more like Joe every day.  By the first bird song of the day, I lay Lola down and gone off to the bathroom quickly. Zach helped me back into bed and I fell asleep. When I woke up much later, my parents were here with Bella and Nico they are all talking to Joe that sat up in bed. I heard them all talk and laughed and making jokes and I truly know now that our dark times are all behind us now and now a future full of adventure and light and happiness are ahead of us. 

Our future is so bright and filled with love that it is like a blinding beckon giving the pace for all of us to be better every day. 


The twins were born in the early morning just as the sunrise on a new day. Joe called them Kevin James and Cole Micheal Manganiello. I was just happy that they were so super healthy. Joe wanted to be around more to bond more with the kids so he only works half days now and the other half of the day he is at home with the kids and me when I am not working myself. We grew as a family more and more each day which is what I have always envisioned a family should be like. Lola is a real daddy's girl. He can't go anywhere without here. 

As for me as I am approaching my more mature years I am downscaling my work a lot and I'm living off my investments I have made over the years. Bella and Nico are also really happy together and their own family they started are now an even number of four. 

So ask yourself dear reader, what is it in life you really want? What is really important to you? In the end, no one will give it to you on a silver platter like the movies portray to all of us. We have to go out into the world and fight for everything we want and hold dear to your heart what is truly important to you. Guard your heart above all else. That is what is most important.

Live your dream and stay true to you.

~~~~~~~  THE END  ~~~~~~~

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