I don't know what to do!

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(Shy's pov)

Chapter 2
I don’t know what to do.
(Shy’s pov)


    Yesterday was one of the best days of my life, when I met Izzy it was like I was a new person. I am blushing at the thought of her, she was so kind and sweet, her black style looked amazing. I loved the highlights in here hair and her dark brown eyes. Man I love it! I wanna be her friend, I wanna know her better, I need to see her again.

    For once in my life I was happy to go to class. I walked in there with a smile on my face and my chin high. I asked the professor if I could change my seat so I could be closer to Izzy.

    “Um… sir?” I asked trying to build up confidence.
    “Oh Sheila how are you doing this fine morning?” The professor said as he was stacking his papers.

    “Um….I-I was w-wondering…. could I m-move my seat…”

    “Hurry up miss Sheila, I haven’t got all day.” The professor said. I was full of stress and fear that I started to shudder.

    “I-I… uh..” I swallowed my spit, built up my courage and finally said what I wanted to say. “IwanttositnexttoIzzy!” I said with a single breath.

    “.....what?” The professor gave me a confused look. I was blushing brightly. Never in my life have I been so stressed in my life. Which when I look back to my past I find it hard to believe. I’ve acted like this for so long that times like this just blur together. So I dont really know if this was the first time. Gosh, I am getting emotional just thinking about it.

    “I….” I took a deep breath, “I said I wanted to move my seat next to Izzy.” I said as calmly as possible.

    “Oh, that’s it?” The professor asked. I nodded yes prepared to explain.

   “Well of course you can. I was never stopping you. You are paying for this after al, you are allowed to sit where ever you want.” He was happy to oblige to my request. I wa so happy, just the thought of sitting by her just made me wanna jump for joy. Her nice soft voice, her long hair, her……. sweet touch… I wanted to be with her-

    I shook my head, I can’t be thinking about those things I literally talked to her for three hours. I guess I am just desperate, everyone I know is in a relationship and the last thing that I heard from my dad was, “Why would I want a daughter who can’t get me a son in law.” Then he slammed the door on me and never opened it for me again.

   From then on, I lived with my Grandma Yume. She was the only one in my family that actually cared about me. Whenever I was having an emotional breakdown she was always there to comfort me and make me smile again. She taught me all types of coping mechanisms that helped her a lot when she was my age. She also started my habit of baking. I remember all of the pies we would bake together at our family gatherings. I would always stay by her because no one else in the gathering made me comfortable. They either would give me a rude look, or say something that would make me cry.

    “Miss? Are you okay?” The professor looked at me and took my cheek and looked into my eyes. “Sheila, you’re crying again. Do we need to talk?” He said wiping the tears off of my face.

   I didn't realize that I was crying at first. But I was aware that there was a bright smile on my face. I subconsciously decided to hug him, as I hugged him I started to laugh uncontrollably. This of course this concerned the man so he hugged me back.

     “Miss, take a seat.” He said as he pulled out a notebook.


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