A Cooking Calamity

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Cooking calamity….

   We started to bake all of our food. The dough was easy to make I guess… I mean it was easy. Unfortunately I had to teach Izzy how she needed to use the mixer and measure the ingredients correctly in order for us to make any progress. She was learning fast though. But she was often too fast.

    As I was teaching her how to use the mixer she looked into my eyes and told me, "I got this."

    "Are you sure?" I asked her, "you just started to use this. S-shouldn't I at least watch you?"

   "No, it's fine. I can handle it. You should help the others." I looked into her eyes one last time and I smiled. I trusted that she knew what she was doing.

   I walked over to Ham and Ruby. They seemed to be just fine. There pies were so far perfect. I was happy that they managed to do all of that in a matter of 45 minutes. Of course most of that those pies that had to be chilled. I hope that they will chill quickly. To be honest I wasn't even doing anything special when it came to my usual foods. All I've been doing was helping my friends with the pastries.

    'Should I make something of my own?' I thought to myself. 'I don't wanna show off.. maybe I'll try to make a quick bake.'

    "Everyone when you are done with your pasties, um… um…. I-I will be making my own cake!" I claimed out. The rest of the "team" nodded. Izzy looked at me and smiled. My hands started to shake violently. Why was I so scared?!?!?! Comes on, I should get over it. It’ll be okay.

   The rest of the team happily allowed me to work. They were all basically done anyway they were finishing the loadstone touches of there pastries ands other things that they were doing. Ham and Ruby’s pies looked perfect and fine. But I took a good look at Izzy’s cookies and…. well… they weren’t pretty at all.

    Izzy gave off a nervous giggle and showed me her cookies. “Um...how do they look?” She asked.

   “Um…” I gulped. I didn’t want to be rude about it. I wanted her to feel happy that she baked something good for the first time so I lied to her about them.

   “They look..um...perfect Izzy.” I said with a fake smile. I hoped that she wouldn’t be able to tell. I-I don’t wanna hurt her feelings at all….

   “Hm… I don’t know, I think I messed up on the baking time.” She could tell.

   “Well um… you kinda d-did… I guess. B-Tuesday you’ll get better at it! I k-know it!” I told her. She was making me so nervous though… I forced back a gulp and I smiled at her.

    “I’ll start the cake now. I’m going t-to make a-a red velvet g-guys…. is um… that okay?” I asked the others.

   “Oooo that’s my favorite!” Ruby claimed.

   “I never had it before, so I suppose it’s okay” Ham seemed calm. Hat made me feel a little better.

    “Um… sure. I never really liked it though.” Izzy didn’t seem happy. B-but it was two out of three… I have to make the cake. Here goes nothing I guess. Let's get started.


       Some time passes and I already made serveral mistakes. It wasn’t my best time baking. L-let me explain! It’s not like I put in the wrong ingredients o-or anything! Well I mean I kinda did. L-let me tell you what happened.

   So what happened was, I was in the kitchen and I looked at all of the ingredients that I had. Flour, sugar, red velvet flavor, eggs, etc. I had enough to make a cake that was about 2 feet long and 3 inches thick. I wasn’t sure if I’d make it a retgangle cake or a round cake. I guess I’lol make a round cake. Those are much nicer than a plain birthday style cake.

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