Our Project

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Chapter 6
Our project

(Izzy’s pov)

      A few weeks later after me and Shy became really good friends, we started to talk to each other more and more. She is a nice girl all things truly considered. She sm8les more often than the first time and she is really open around me. She didn't even stutter around me. Even though she still does, it's not every single sentence that she does it. That’s a good thing right?

   She smiled and looked at me during class today. It was the usual day in the class. David was gone due to a “family vacation” so we thought even though I am pretty sure it was a suspension. At least he cant bother anybody while he was gone. Shy seemed happier than most of us though. Just last night she was jumping for joy about it. Saying things about her not having to cut herself in three days. It was sweet. But something told me that it wasn’t going to last that long.

   Today I went to the classroom a little later than usual. I had to finish all of my homework before I got into the class or else it would be considered late. So I worked my ass off trying to get it done as fast as I can. I was pretty sure that I got all the answers right. I didn't have time to really care about it to much. This assignment was kinda pointless.

   The assignment was simple yet time wasting. I didn’t care about the assignment this time. It was just a simple essay about stuff I already mastered a week ago. And of you know me, you will find that I hate time wasters. Its kinda one of the reasons I have a c in my science class.

   I took me seat next to Shy as soon as i entered the room. The room was quiet with the occasional chit-chat that came from the small groups of friends in the classroom. I thought I guess that the teacher isn't here yet. This is really odd. He usually is here early.

   I looked around the classroom and looked at Shy. She had her nose stuffed into a book and didn't pay much attention to me. I took a look at her book to see what she was reading just because I was curious. She was reading “To Kill a Mockingbird”. She was crying a little. I wondered what was wrong.

   “Hey, what’s up?” I asked her. She looked up at me with a little tear in her eye. She looked at me and blushed.

   “Oh, um…. I’m okay,” she said with a smile. “I just cry every time I see Tom die. It hurts me to see that he didn't do anything.. but he died..” that kinda reminded me of a friend I once knew.

   “Do you know where the professor is?” I asked her. I wasn't really concerned about her crying because she seemed to be okay. She is a rather sensitive girl so it made sense that she would cry at that part.

    “I um… actually don’t know.” She said, “The last I saw him was in the bathroom. So I guess she went in there to use it.”

   “I guess that makes sense.” I said. “But you do realize that he is almost fifteen minutes late. If he doesn’t come back soon we will be able to leave. I don't want to leave the class yet you know. Its boring enough in this school as it is and I didn’t come here late for nothing.”

    “Yeah that would suck now wouldn’t it?” She said with a laugh. She looked at the empty front of the room. It was really interesting to see it empty. There was nothing else for me to do but wait.


    Alright, its been around thirty minutes. By now most of everybody was about of the classroom and in their dorms or other places they would usually hang out in if the teacher was gone. The only ones that stayed in here were Shy, some others students that I do not know there name of, and me. We were sitting in the almost empty classroom and we just sat there. Waiting.

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