Am I worth it?

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(Shy’s pov)


     It took a long while but I finally got out of that class, but I have a giant pile of homework that I need to do again but it was worth it for the mist part.

   I decided that it would be a good idea to take Izzy’s invitation to the diner. I got nothing else better to do and it hurts me to do anything else. It hurts a lot. So I grabbed my stuff and quickly left the classroom. I wasn’t going to let anything stop me from having a good night with Izzy. I don't care if I have to sleep at the dinner to be there! I am going.

     At least I thought nothing would stop me. Some much for having hopes…. the very second I walked out of the classroom David punched the door and ran after me.

    “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” He called out as he reached for my shoulder.

    “Away from you you sicko.” I snapped. I was cursing under my breath. This man always ruins everything and I just want him to leave me alone.

    “Hey, I am done with you. I barely got to play with you earlier. So be a good girl ad come with me so I don’t have to waste my time beating you.” He said as her grabbed my arm and pulled me out his chest.

   “Get off of me!” I pushed him away with what little confidence that I had. But he grabbed my sweater and slapped me onto the ground. I screamed in pain as he grabbed my hair and pulled into a empty classroom. He let me stand up, he then continued to beat me and she pushed me on one of the desk.

    “How to told you that you can talk to me like that!?” He said as be continued to beat me. I tried to fight back but I was frozen in fear. I couldn’t move, I could only flinch. I held this type of pain inside of me for so long that I couldn’t take it anymore. I wasn’t letting this happen. I just knew that this wouldn’t end well.

    “HELP!!!” I called out. David looked at me in shock.

     “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! SHUT UP!” He punched me in the stomach. I fell over groaning in pain. I waited for someone to come into the room. I could hear running footsteps running towards the room. David then stopped beating me and ran out of the room. Before he left me to cry he turned his head and glared at me.

    “You will regret this.” He ran out of he room. I wanted to say something smug and clever but my stomach was in too much pain. I groaned loudly barely able to stand up. I know that this was one of the dumbest things that I could have ever done in my life. I was gonna be beate like I haven’t been beaten before. I am scared, I don’t want it to hurt. I am done with the pain, I want it to end.

    But this could be different, I will have a friend to help me. They can protect me, they will keep me safe. At least I hope they will. It would be hard to fight off an entire gang that does nothing but beat people and horras them. Why would they do that to people like me? Can’t they all see that they are the reason for myself harm all of my sorrow?! Everything that is wrong with me is there fault! I hate them all!!

    Out of anger I punched a book self in the empty classroom as hard as I could. It hurt. It hurt so much. I jumped back in pain and held my fist to my chest. Why did I do that? What was I thinking?

    As I was trying to hold back a scream I saw that the book shelf started to wobble. It rocks backwards and started to fall towards me. I jumped back to avoid the falling shelf but I tripped and slammed my arm on a desk. I screamed in pain as the book shelf landed on the floor shaking the room. A couple of people ran into the room to see what was going on and they stood in shock as they saw me lying on the floor, tears in my eyes, and covered in bruises.

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