Legalized breaking and entering

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     I was listening  to what was going on outside. It seemed to be a lot of commotion. I was glad that there weren’t any gunshots yet. There was something about the cops that pleased me though. I heard Shy’s and Rubies voices yelling at David to let me go. I was so relieved that they came here for me. I almost became smug about it. But I knew that David’s will power was way too strong for its own good. He wasn't gonna let them in even if they forced him to at gunpoint.

    That man was too stubborn. I’m not even worth anything. Why is he so determined to keep me a hostage. He is so pitiful. To this day I still don’t understand him. He was so mixed up in the head that it was impossible to realize his intentions. He only thing I could think of him doing was raping me, and by God that isnt happening.

    They yelled and yelled for a good long while. As they were arguing and ordering each other around I started to feel my way around the walls. My eyes adjusted to the dim light and I was able to see what was near me, although only up to two feet in front of me. Soon I come across something odd. It was off leveled with a wall in front of it then they became flat again. I felt around some more and I discovered what I was touching.

     I was touching the stairs. This was great for me. I finally found out why I’m supposed to go. I felt for the stair rail and grabbed it. It felt like a metal pipe. It wasn’t very sturdy. I needed to hurry and make it last.

    Carefully I walked up the staircase, gripping ever so tightly onto the railing. I kept walking until I slipped in a wet part of the stairs and I fell. I hit my head pretty hard in the staircase and tumbled all the way to the bottom.

    I yelled in pain as I felt like my broken bone stabbed out of me. My head was aching and my eyes were blurry. I stood back up and I help my arm in place. But it hurt so much. I was at the point of silent tears. I silently cursed and shook my head, I needed to keep moving and I wasn't gonna stop until I got to the top of the stairs.

    “Come on.. this isn’t hard..” I said to myself. I kept repeating that to myself until I had the confidence to climb up those stairs once again. With small grunts of pain, I limped to the staircase and climbed it again. I held on right to the stairs and I was more careful than last time. I didn’t slip, and I didn’t stumble. 

    When I finally reached the top of the stairs there was a door. I tried to open it but it seemed to be locked. I groaned out of frustration. And I wiggled the doorknob aggressively.

    “Why is it that every door I come across is locked?” I banged on the door as frustration was building up inside of me. I took a deep breath and calmed down. There wasn’t anyway for me to get out unless I get some sort of key or if I had the strength to break open the door.

    Even after all of this I still couldn’t see anything. I was as blind as a bat. I wouldn't be able to find any sort of key if I couldn’t see what was in front of me.

   ‘Light switch.. there’s got to me one somewhere.’ I felt the walls near the door until I felt something that was like a light switch. It was smooth and like plastic. I touched the lever and I flicked it up. Light filled the room, blinding me white. I felt like I was underground for thirty years.

    I was finally able to see again. So with this I looked all over the door. It was a white door. Thoughts of what could have happened to me filled my head. I shivered at the thought of being used like that. But I didn’t want to think about that any more. I won't have to think about it ever again.

    Looking around the basement I saw lots of things. I even seen a collar in front of the stairs. I picked it up and read what was on it. There was a name on it and the name read, “SHEILA” I was confused about why it was like this. On the back of the collar there things that I wont talk about it at the moment.

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