A stressful day

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   I couldn’t believe that  she had it. I had to do something. So I walked up to the girl and I tapped on her shoulder. I wanted to imagine myself looking angry with a strong chinned face. But in reality I looked like a coward…

    “Hey, I-I like your necklace.. um.. where did you get it?” I asked the girl. She looked at me.

   “Oh! Thank you!” She said. She sounded happy that she got the compliment.

   “Yeah.. where did you get it?” I asked again. She looked at the necklace and then looked into the air as if she was trying to remember something.

   “Oh, I remember!” She stated. “ I got it from my new boyfriend Hamsher. He said that he got it at Wal-mart. It’s really pretty and I like it a lot.”

   I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Ham… he didn’t give that to her. He can’t have done that, he isn't like that at all. Wasn’t he dating Ruby anyway? If all of this is true then that man is a cheating jerk for the lack of a more appropriate word.

   “D-did you say Hamsher gave that to you?” I asked again.

   “Yeah, he gave it to me as a date gift.”
    I fell silent. I was suddenly filled with rage and I looked at the girl angrily. I glared at her and I wanted to strangle her. But I held myself back. It wasn’t her fault, she didn’t even know it was mine.

    “Miss, what’s your name?” I asked her while clenching my fist.

    “Alex, amd yours?” She replied.

    “Call me Shy…” I took a deep breath. “So  Hamsher got you that huh?...” I asked with anger and tension in my voice.

    “Yep.” Alex smiled.

    “That’s really funny. Like really funny.”

   “Why is that?”

     “It’s funny because that necklace is actually mine… my grandmother's necklace…” I gritted my teeth.

     “What? This is yours?” She was shocked and I could understand why..

     “Yes it is.. do I need to show proof?”

     “How can it be yours? He said he got it at a jewelry store or that wal-mart section.”

    “...he didn’t get it from there…” I said. And I grabbed my phone from my pocket and I pulled up a picture of my grandmother on my phone. “This is my grandma Yume.” I pointed to the necklace on her neck. “That necklace right there was hers. She had it made by her husband. There is only one of them in the world and you have it.” I was so mad right now. I couldn’t believe this. If she didn’t believe me, then I’ll take it from her.

   “I’ll um..well.. I..” She was at a loss for words. “Um...if you want it back then I’ll give it to you.” Alex was happy going to give it back to me. That was unexpected. I held out my hand and motioned for her to hand it over.

   “Then give it. Please.” I asked. I wanted it back.

   “Okay okay, here you go.” She said. “Sorry..”

   “Thank you.” I snatched it from her. “You are very kind.” I tried to smile but I couldn’t manage it. I looked at the necklace. It wasn’t damaged and it was still in the perfect shape as it originally was. I hugged it and I put it around my own neck for safe keeping.

    “Its um.. no problem. Why would he have that anyway?” Alex asked.
     “I don’t know…” I said that even though I was pretty sure I knew the truth. He must have stolen it whenever we were at my house. I knew I couldn’t have trusted him. I-I knew that he wasn’t a good guy! N-no guy that I meet is good! None!

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