Don't worry... I'm coming

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      I waited for a good two minutes before the first responders came. I was glad when they did. It made me feel safer. They drove up to us in there and trucks to check out the situation. They asked me many questions about what happened and why. I told them all I could but my information was limited by fear.

   “Please miss, tell us what happened.” The policeman asked. He looked me in the eyes and helped me to my feet.

    “T-there w-was…” I was terrified to talk to them. I was scared that they wouldn’t believe me o-or they wouldn’t listen to me….

   “It’s okay ma’am. Talk to us.” The cop urged me to talk to them.

   “M-my ex-boyfriend came in here and.. and I-I didn’t see much b-but he came in and.. and.. he-he just..” I couldn’t get it out.

    “It’s okay if you aren’t able to talk about it because of fear. But don't worry. We will listen to you. We are here to help, and we will help. But we can only do that if you tell where he took the girl.” The policeman gave me a smile. I gulped down air and looked at them. I wasn’t allowed to talk to the cops about things like this at all… this.. this could get me in trouble.. if what if..

    I felt as if time has stopped. My mind felt like a void of black and I was alone in the darkness. Tears in my eyes and fear in my heart. Do I talk to them, or do I freeze up and let Izzy get hurt.. I knew what I had to do but I was to scared to do it.

    Then I remembered something. It was something that my grandmother told me when I was a little girl…. it was a faint memory.. and I can barely remember all that was happening to me to lead upon that moment. I do remember her words however..
    I was six years old at the time and I remember me crying on my grandma’s lap as I remember having a large bruise on my arms and face. My cousins were picking on me and beating me up for no reason once so ever. They kicked me and punched me for what seemed like hours on end.

    They told me to keep quiet and they told me to not tell anyone about them hurting me. If they did, they were going to hurt me worse than they are now. They were setting guidelines for me to follow under my own will. Every time I did something that they didn’t like they would hurt me and this was the worst time.

   I yelled and screamed in pain as here fist bruised my cheeks and chest. They through me on the floor and they yelled at me. Telling me to shut up and stop yelling but I kept going. I expected my yelling to make matters worse for me so I braced for a smack in the face. But I heard my cousins running away but then getting caught by there parents and my grandmother. They glared at the, and scalded the, for what they did to me. I wasn’t sure what the punishment was but thought it was pretty bad.

    After that my grandma came up to me. I was sitting on the floor crying. I was scared and I didn’t want to talk to her about my pain and what they were doing to me all of this time. I was so scared that I clinged to her pants and sobbed into them. She picked me up and sat me down on her lap. She patted me on the back and shushed me softly.

    “It’s okay Shy, it’s okay.” She said to me. I was upset that I was about not being able to talk to anybody about this. I kept crying in her arms and hugged her lovingly. She returned the hug and she whispered into my ear.

    “No matter who hurts you and when they do it’s okay to tell.” She said to me. “If you tell on them their threats mean nothing. And you will be free from there pain for as long as you live.” Her words rang in my mind like a bell. Her words were there in the back of my memory ever since that day. But I couldn’t follow through what she said. There were so many times where I was to scared and so many times when I couldn’t do anything about what was happening to me.

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