the man that I scare.

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(Izzy’s Pov)

    (Thirty minutes after the break down)

        I sat in class waiting for Shy to come back. I needed to talk t her in private about what happened. But as time past I knew that class would begin and I wouldn’t have time to help her. I let out a sigh, there was nothing I could do at the moment and I didnt wanna miss class.I grabbed my backpack and walked to my seat.

    “Hey, ms. Izzy?” The professor looked at me, “I heard that you and miss Sheila yesterday.”

    “Yes I have, and I am happy to say that she is a nice girl to hang with.” I snapped not knowing why I was mad.

     “Do you know why she was crying…”

     “I got her under control okay!” I interrupted. I stared at him in shock.

     “I am sorry.” I said with a bow. “I don’t know why I am so mad I am sorry that happened.”

    “Its okay. I understand.” He said as he walked to his desk. “I understand that you feel like that about her. From what I know, she had a pretty rough backstory and I guess it would make since in she wouldn’t want to talk about it.”

     “Yeah I guess so.” I said. I ran out of words to say.

    “We will talk more about it after class.” He said.

     “I would love to but I can’t. I have an early shift this afternoon.”

     “Oh, well come to me when you get the chance.”

     “I will.” I said. I didn't know how to end the conversation correctly. I took my seat and waited for class to start.



     About 30 minutes past. Class has already started and there was still no sign of Shy anywhere. I was beginning to worry about her and for once in my life I was distracted from my class work. The professor just went on and on about how to help others that are in pain and wanting to commit suicide. This wasn’t anything new to me so the class was rather boring.

   After a good long while Shy came into the room with some red stuff on her arm. It was faint but I could see that she was leaking a little bit. She looked around the room to see how much of the lesson that she missed. Then she started to sneak in hoping that the professor wouldn’t see her. The professor turned around and looked her into the eyes.

   “Miss Sheila, where have you been? Class has started without you.” He said. I took a look at Shy, she seemed that she was about to cry.

  “Heh, just like was late to meet me in the bathroom.” David said behind me. I had to resist the urge to taser that man into the next decade. That man is such a jerk to everybody. I tried to make friends with him and turn him into a great person, but he pushed that away and tried to scare me into a slave or something like that. As as responde I gazed the man and the rest of his gang because they were stupid enough to try and pull him off of my taser.
     Shy mumbled something that I didn’t understand. She seemed mad, really mad. She looked up at me and took her seat. The red on her arm was bleeding through. It was obvious that it was blood but I never got a chance to ask what happened. She looked up at me a took the seat right next to me.

    “Hey, are you okay?” I asked, “you left in a hurry.”

    “I’m fine just a little sick.” She lied. I have never seen anyone give me such a solid lie before. If I didn't have any experience with this stuff I would’ve never been able to tell.
    “Sick in the head more like it.” David insulted. I was immediately filled with rage I was gonna say something to him but Shy said something before me.
    “Shut up.” She said in a angry tone of voice.

    “What was that girl? David snarled. He had no right to treat her like that so I turned around and glared at him.

    “She said , “Shut up”, David!” I yelled at him with an evil look in my eyes. I reached over to my bag and held on to my taser. David looked scared and backed down and class continued as usual.

     It was a great lesson, it was about how to help people that have depression and how to prevent suicides and other things that I already knew. I love that I can help people, however there is one thing I can't help people with. Love. I never really understood it at all. It was always something that I didn't get, so if anyone came for me for love advice they are asking the wrong person.

    As our class finished, I noticed that Shy was growing more comfortable with me. She started to mumble stuff about me with a large smile on her face. It wa nice to see her like this. It's nice to see anyone like that to be honest, but with Shy I can see that this feelings isn’t common for her. But this joy all came to an end when I started to hear chatter behind us.

    “So, is this the girl that you were talking about?” One of the men said.

    “Heh, she is something isn’t she?~” David said in a perverted voice. We was looking at Shy in an odd way.

    “Yeah she is~” the first man said with a evil and perverted smile.

    “Hey check this out, I can play with her as much as I want and she wont go anything about it. It's rather pathetic to be honest.” He looked at his gang while he pressed his hands together. “Boys, I know who we’ll be doing tonight.” Right after he said that he reached his hand over Shy’s shoulder and quickly gripped her breast as hard as she could. Making Shy scream in pain.

“HEY!” I yelled at him. I grabbed my taser and forced it onto his arm. “Get your hands off her you pervert!” By then I knew that man was an idiot because he immediately jumped out of his seat and attempted to smack me. He was pretty predictable so I caught his hand easily and I forces the taser on mis hand electrocuted him. He jumped back in pain and fell back into his seat.

  Shy looked at me in shock. It like she never seen anyone do that…. before. Oh gosh, this happened before didn’t it? Well now I have to stick with her. If this happens often then she needs to learn how to defend herself. If she doesn’t then I am afraid of her fate. With these thought filling my head I quickly to become her best friend. If I could become her friend I could protect her from any harm. Besides, I am a great person. I should be able to be her friend. How hard could that be?

     “Hey,” I called for her. “Do you wanna go to the diner with me later?” I asked really hoping that she would say yes.

     “.... sure.” She said. It was clear that she was trying to avoid something.

     “That’s my girl.” I said in a happy tone. Her eyes light up when I said that. She started to giggle and she let out a small smile.

     “T-thank you.” She said with a blush. “Thank you……. friend.”


      Mission accomplished.



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